Single Issue Voters will save the world!
Single Issue Voters will save the world!
Single Issue Voters will save the world!
Fuck this genocide approving bullshit.
If Dems we're gonna give you those things, they'd have done when they had all three branches. I vote no for genocide. If some bullshit party fails to meet that, no fucking way can come back and say "yeah but, look at all these failed promises!" Fucking repulsive.
I rewrote my original response and this one is much more tame.
The only thing I’ll add is that like 3 of those signs are controlled by the Supreme Court. Which became crazy specifically because people didn’t listen to everyone who said Donald Trump would be the worst president this country has ever had and would flip everything for himself. There’s no way outside of enlarging the Supreme Court, forcing them to put term limits on themselves, and potentially calling a new constitutional congress that could change those things. Having democrats in control of the three branches means nothing if it only happens for 2 years every 78 moon cycles and only when 5/8 planets are in alignment while 3 exists in off-axis parallel (or some weird astrology bullshit).
Having Democrats in control of the entire government means nothing when they are too concerned about being fair and playing nicely with Republicans to move their agenda forward.
If you don’t vote for Biden, in our system, you are tacitly supporting Trump. You’re a fool if you think that Trump will do better, by any measure. Please don’t be stupid.
If dems arent seriously campaining NOW about how to fix said system, then we will have to worry about the next election, and the next one.
I get fixing stuff is hard, hut Democrats would rather run on fear of the other guys than prevent the other guys from coming so close to power.
If the other guy being a fascist running on a platform of doing fascism isn't enough for you to snap into line, you're a fascist trying to feel moral about being a fascist.
Trump is denying the existence of the 13th and 19th amendments now and you're actually still on about how politicians should have to "earn your vote?"
Tell me you're white without telling me you're white.
Tell me you’re white without telling me you’re white.
You know that upholding and extending this system that props up white supremacy and imperialism hurts POC around the world, right? If you're willing to tacitly support a genocide because you can't imagine doing anything other than fill in a bubble at the voting booth, those amendments are already as good as gone. If those amendments are essentially voided, do you plan on just standing by to let it happen? The shitty people who want power know you're willing to sign off on heinous things if the alternative is worse. The marginalized will continue to fight, die, and become martyrs in history book while people like you would rather act out of fear (justified or not) and let the marginalized fight the same deadly status quo that keeps you comfortable and keeps them threatened.
Justified or not
Tell me you're white without telling me you're white.
See also the part where you compared being able to make a comparative harm judgement to "the right to not be owned by another person and the right to vote while woman might as well not exist anymore!"
Oh, so you didn't catch that I was comparing your justified terror with republicans' unjustified terror and how easily you can both be convinced to do terrible things.