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The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22 Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook - PDF

Extensive exploration of the United Federation of Planets and its galactic neighbours in the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Quadrants. Guidelines on how to run an adventure of exploration and discovery for the crew of a Federation starship.

Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook - PDF

Happy Free RPG Day!

  • Oh wow, thanks for the heads up!

    I'm excited to check this out.

    • I spent a while reading through this, and I gotta say that this is a really good RPG book. It's very thorough, it's well written for suggesting ways to play, it's attractively formatted. This is a cool book.

      • It is a pretty gorgeous book - my biggest complaint is that it can be hard to quickly find and reference specific rules during gameplay. I'm hopeful that the Second Edition will have some imrpovements on that front.