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Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • I didn't say which side I come down on. I just said that there is lots of information with plenty of high quality citations.

    I'm really happy that everyone is a winner.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • It's weird how many people in this thread are vaguely debating the validity of the historical research into this question when one person has posted a link to a well cited article on this very very heavily studied subject.

    There's even a link to a well cited article examining the skepticism of the historicity of Jesus:

    I don't feel compelled to argue an interpretation. The facts are well documented and their interpretations by experts available. What anyone chooses to do with these are of no real concern to me.

  • The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22
  • I agree with that. Looking through, I find understanding the basic rules to be kind of a burden. It took me a while to realize that "Operations" is the rules section.

    I think it makes sense to show players the character sheet early, because that's the nexus through which they really experience the game. I like the demo scene towards the beginning, but I think a quickstart guide to explain basic rules to the players very, VERY clearly is usually a good idea.

    Still, I'm continuously impressed at how well this adapts Star Trek to an RPG. I was initially skeptical that an RPG could take all the nonsense we see in decades of different shows and create a cohesive basis for all of it, but this is really impressive. I'd have to play to see if the rules feel balanced and natural, but at a glance, they make far more sense than plenty of other RPGs I've seen. I think this looks like a really fun game.

  • ICRC says 22 killed in strike near its Gaza office
  • I really try not to get into litigating each and every instance, but I feel compelled sometimes to point out a few things:

    The claim that Abdallah Aljamal was holding hostages is not credible. This claim was made by the IDF without evidence, and they have a very long history of fabricating post-hoc justifications for killing people they weren't targeting or supposed to target. Examples include the assassination of American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in 2022 and the killing of medic Rouzan al-Najjar in 2018. In both cases, the IDF was caught lying to justify their murders, and I don't think the claims about Abdallah Aljamal hold up at all. From what I read, he lived in the building one of the hostages was recovered from, but he wasn't known as a target before he was killed. He was characterized as one after he was dead.

    Overall, the concept of "valid targets" is bullshit. It is used to assuage our innate understanding that killing people -- particularly the young, the innocent, the defenseless, the elderly -- is WRONG. Israel has, in this particular war, extended the concept in a way that is clearly genocidal. Their target selection, as covered by 972, was wildly more vicious than their own historical limits on collateral damage. An anonymous Israeli intelligence officer called it "a mass assassination factory".

    I'm glad we agree that all the responsible parties for atrocities deserve to be held accountable. I don't intend the above as a provocation to fight, but I want to make sure anyone reading this comment section is aware of this context.

  • The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22
  • I spent a while reading through this, and I gotta say that this is a really good RPG book. It's very thorough, it's well written for suggesting ways to play, it's attractively formatted. This is a cool book.

  • ICRC says 22 killed in strike near its Gaza office
  • It's nuts that this is barely even news. Like... another day another atrocity.

    I'm trying not to be numb to it, but it's hard to remain shocked. I'm still disgusted, though.

    I'll say this, too: I think we too often judge wars by the conduct of the participants as though there are good wars and bad ones. And my hunch is that it's more like there are bad ones and terrible ones, and as awful as this sounds, this one is more notable because it's being well documented and it involves a uniquely fucked up context (decades of occupation with the support of the US). I think the way the Israeli right wing discusses it is uniquely brazen, and the degree to which the IDF targets journalists and medics seems high, but I think that this kind of stuff happens so often and is undercovered. I wish Yemen got the kind of coverage this is getting.

    In terms of the atrocities, I think most wars are basically just a bunch of atrocities in a trenchcoat. It doesn't make these any better: I just want this to end, and then all the other wars. Fuck this shit.

    AND I want the people who do this shit dragged in front of the Hague. I'm very glad that Netanyahu and Gallant have had arrest warrants requested, but you know what I call that? A good start.

  • The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22
  • Oh wow, thanks for the heads up!

    I'm excited to check this out.

  • Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'
  • I think maybe execs and investors might feel it's all the same, but if you're a project manager for cloud infrastructure for enterprise services or you've been working for years on releasing a new component of Bing search that you think is a real gamechanger and some muckity-muck at the top says, 'Oh, don't worry about that anymore: a property manager that's owned by a private equity partner of one of our big investors wants the chatbot that schedules apartment viewings in Huntsville to be more flirty, so go massage the prompts to make it convincingly laugh at bad jokes,' some of those folks are liable to start grumbling that this isn't the role that they were pitched when they took this job.

  • Benedict Cumberbatch confirms he will begin filming "AVENGERS 5" next year.
  • I feel similarly, but I'm not that upset.

    It's not really reasonable to expect something to remain constantly great over and over.

    Chances must be taken. Some stuff won't work. I think marvel films in the future will excite me, and I'm not that upset in the present when they don't.

    Black panther 2 was pretty good, btw, and I'm hoping that Iron Heart might be the pivot we need.

    A young, non-rich version of Iron Man sounds like a great recipe for getting back to basics.

  • Israel Has “Systematically Violated” Laws Regarding Civilian Harm, UN Finds
  • I think this article omitted important further context by not describing the target selection approach the IDF was using: they had an AI tool make guesses as to who was part of Hamas, then suggest bombing runs of their homes when they were believed to be inside around meal times or sleeping. They reserved precision weapons for commanders, and used dumb bombs to kill low-ranking suspected combatants.

    This approach is inherently designed to create a pretense to carpet bomb neighborhood full of families based on a process with little to know human oversight it discretion.

    For details, look up "lavender" and "where's Daddy".

  • Schwarzenegger: ‘Climate change dialogue’ not going to work
  • This is very sensible. Especially when people think of pollution as a local problem that harms their kids' health.

  • My game group just release a new adventure set in the world of Fully Automated!
  • Thanks. I hope you get some use from it!

    Ultimately, I really hope this just clicks with some people. I feel like there is a huge well of potential here, and if some better game developer took this idea and ran with it, I'd be thrilled just to have these ideas seeing larger audiences. I really think this is a fantastically fun setting to play in.

  • What are your favourite Low-Tech Content Creators?
  • Yeah, he's got some dope stuff, and seemed nice. He made a fuse-triggered mechanical thumper from Dune. This was before the movie, so I don't know how it compares, but it's quite clever.

  • Prominent Palestinian doctor, Iyad Rantisi, dies during interrogation in Israel
  • This is so, so fucked up.

    It's hard to grieve effectively in the face of so many tragedies. Here is another one.

  • Netanyahu Blasts Biden Admin For ‘Withholding’ Weapons From Israel In Harshest Criticism Yet: ‘Inconceivable’
  • That is very true. Joey Ayoub of The Fire These Times coined a phrase months ago for describing the mainstreaming of genocidal ideation among the public, which I keep returning to: "The Smotrich-ization of the Israeli public". It's real, and it's terrifying.

    Still, my impression is that Israelis are in a weird, weird, weird place:

    • They are largely supportive of the war, but most want a ceasefire deal that would bring home the hostages.
    • They are largely furious at Netanyahu, though his support has recently started to go back up.
    • There has been enormous pro-democracy anti-government protests before the war, then there were demonstrations demanding negotiations for a hostage release that were supposed to be explicitly distinct from anti-government demonstrators, and there are also pro-ceasefire, pro-hostage demonstrations that are explicitly NOT distinct from the pro-democracy anti-government demonstrations.
    • Most Israelis don't believe the war has "gone too far", but also many Israelis feel that the war has been mishandled (largely due to the cost on Israeli troops, the economy, and international standing).
    • There is support for the IDF, but also fury and blame at the IDF for failing so catastrophically during Oct. 7.
    • There is also widespread anger at the far right for insisting on exempting the ultraorthodox from conscription, while troop shortages force middle-age reservists back into service, but there's no clear indication that anyone has any leverage to impose on the far and ULTRA FAR right, who have been essentially governing Israel with smug impunity for months now.
    • And, overall, Israelis seem to like Biden a lot.

    I apologize that i don't have sources for each of these, these are just a collection of insights I recall reading in the last few months.

    Ultimately, I think they're largely out of answers AND being herded aggressively by a well-tuned state propaganda machine, which means that I think their attitudes are in flux. I think they could be led in many directions, and many futures are possible. Right now though, the most successful shepherds are Smotrich and Ben-Givir.

    Lastly, there are a few very small Palestinian-Jewish unity groups. These may look irrelevant considering their numbers are so few, but when people ask where we could find leaders capable of negotiating peace (considering most of the Palestinian ones have been killed to prevent any peace process), I think this would be where we'd find them. Despite their numbers, they terrify the far right. They face extreme threats of violence, and I think that reaction belies the threat they pose to Jewish Supremacy.

  • Netanyahu Blasts Biden Admin For ‘Withholding’ Weapons From Israel In Harshest Criticism Yet: ‘Inconceivable’
  • Yeah, and more importantly, Biden needs to learn the public component of diplomacy.

    I read his interview in Time, and it's weird, because it at least gave me some aspect into what he's thinking.

    He's old as fuck. He has learned decades of procedures and standard practice in diplomacy, and he does NOT understand that a lot of it happens in the open now. Biden thinks he's playing chess with all the diplomatic messages he sends along backchannels, and he has no idea that this is just an arm wrestling match now. People judge you by what you say and do transparently.

    Biden legit thinks he and Bibi are like cousins who grew up together who are having a tough fight, and Bibi is all fucking politics. He'd slit any throat he has to get what he wants, and he will bury Biden in a heartbeat.

    Biden should go to Israel, and in a public address announce that the country is turning a corner: it will be safer than ever, and America is going to assist with a long term peace process, which they won't lead but will provide security guarantees for. And don't tell Bibi any of this in advance. And when Bibi reacts, say that Bibi has lost his trust and that of the elected public, and they need to hold new elections before getting any new weapons. Get some 'nads, man!

    I wouldn't mind a complete cut-off in weapons, but I also wouldn't mind if they continue to supply rocket defenses or something if its part of a pressure campaign to send Netanyahu packing. I want Israeli prosecutors and the Hague to argue over who gets to lock his ass up first.

  • My game group just release a new adventure set in the world of Fully Automated!
  • The game's core manual is on Itch ( I haven't uploaded the playable adventures yet, though they're available on our website, where you can download them for free without an account.

    I'll add them to itch eventually.

    Also, we just released the third adventure of the four-part starter campaign:

    I'll cross post it here, but I need to wait until Wednesday to keep it under 1 per week.

  • We just released our 3rd adventure in our free, open-source solarpunk setting: it's a cyberpunk-heavy mind control conspiracy called "Piece of Mind"!

    Our indie dev group just released our third playable adventure! This is the climax of a four-part set! It is now available for free on DriveThruRPG!

    It’s for a free, open-source game system/setting we made that’s like cyberpunk in a post-scarcity society. Check it out! Honest feedback is appreciated.

    >A gang of whitehat biohackers suspect they’re being targeted. That threat is about to get very real. > >On a sunny summer day, your help is needed escorting a eccentric researcher to a meeting with their collegues. It’s been six weeks since unknown actors staged a daring armed robbery on their laboratory, and tensions are running high. But when this mysterious adversary puts their plans into action, it’ll take all your skills and judgement to avert a nightmare.

    This story continues to build on the previous two in its scope, complexity, and challenges to give diverse player and character types opportunitites to see more places, meet more characters, and find ways to use their specialities to help their communities in a story with around 8 - 10 hours of content.

    What are your favourite Low-Tech Content Creators?
  • Anyone watch attoparsec on YouTube?

    I saw him at open sauce last year, and got to type out a tweet using his typesetter's keyboard:

  • The "xylo" is greek for wood

    A lone figure at a party reflects that the rest of the revelers don't know that "xylophones" with metal bars are actually glockenspiels.

    My game group just release a new adventure set in the world of Fully Automated!

    Our indie dev group just released our second playable adventure! It is now available for free on DriveThruRPG!

    It's for a free, open-source game system/setting we made that's like cyberpunk in a post-scarcity society. Check it out! Honest feedback is appreciated.

    >An adventurer is facing a mind-bending medical crisis. Are you prepard to join the rescue party? > >Psychonaut Psilosybe Vulgaris has fallen into a catonic state while testing a new psychadelic. Now her doctor and friends need the aid of some daring and capable first responders ready to do whatever it takes to find a cure, before her mind dissolves away to nothing! > >As the second published adventure within the Fully Automated! solarpunk game catalog, Psychonautica is written for new players who are ready for a more free-form adventure. Unlike the short and simple demo mission, this one has twists, turns, and opportunities for GMs and players to tell stories with a bit more freedom. > >Respond to a medical emergency! Explore the wild mental dimension of neurospace! Meet a wilder, wider world of characters in a story that stands on its own while planting the seeds for an even more climactic sequel!

    guys the NSA put me on a list :'(

    Before you get mad at me, relax: I live under an electoral system in which my vote isn't counted.

    This meme was inspired by the response to a meme I posted on r/worldjerking

    cross-posted from:

    > This is the post:

    This meme was inspired by the response to a meme I posted about this game on r/worldjerking

    This is the post:

    FA!'s first adventure module, "A Demonstration of Power" is out now!

    cross-posted from:

    > >The vote to elect a new chair of the Pacifica Grid closes in four days, and an auditor thinks there's something suspicious going on. Records of an incident for the lead candidate's past have been destroyed in a cyberattack, and the manager responsible for the files is being mysteriously tight lipped. Keeping power in the right hands requires answers, and it's going to take a few determined problem solvers to get them! > > After releasing the core game manual a week ago, we've now released our first playable adventure. It's a concise little one-shot that can be played in 2-4 hours, written specifically as an easy entry point into the game's world and rules. > > Like the game itself, it's FREE! So check it out, tell your friends, and if you like this weird little story of hard-science sci-fi intrigue, please leave us a rating and review!

    FA!'s first adventure module, "A Demonstration of Power" is out now!

    cross-posted from:

    > >The vote to elect a new chair of the Pacifica Grid closes in four days, and an auditor thinks there's something suspicious going on. Records of an incident for the lead candidate's past have been destroyed in a cyberattack, and the manager responsible for the files is being mysteriously tight lipped. Keeping power in the right hands requires answers, and it's going to take a few determined problem solvers to get them! > > After releasing the core game manual a week ago, we've now released our first playable adventure. It's a concise little one-shot that can be played in 2-4 hours, written specifically as an easy entry point into the game's world and rules. > > Like the game itself, it's FREE! So check it out, tell your friends, and if you like this weird little story of hard-science sci-fi intrigue, please leave us a rating and review!

    FA!'s first adventure module, "A Demonstration of Power" is out now!

    >The vote to elect a new chair of the Pacifica Grid closes in four days, and an auditor thinks there's something suspicious going on. Records of an incident for the lead candidate's past have been destroyed in a cyberattack, and the manager responsible for the files is being mysteriously tight lipped. Keeping power in the right hands requires answers, and it's going to take a few determined problem solvers to get them!

    After releasing the core game manual a week ago, we've now released our first playable adventure. It's a concise little one-shot that can be played in 2-4 hours, written specifically as an easy entry point into the game's world and rules.

    Like the game itself, it's FREE! So check it out, tell your friends, and if you like this weird little story of hard-science sci-fi intrigue, please leave us a rating and review!

    Fully Automated! RPG is now available for download on DriveThruRPG!

    cross-posted from:

    > Guess what? > > WE'RE LIVE!!! > > Fully Automated RPG is now available for "purchase" on DriveThruRPG! > > > > If you haven't yet had a look, check us out now! The book is free as in speech, and free as in beer! And if you like what you see, please rate us, review us, and tell your friends! (or foes!)

    Fully Automated! RPG is now available for download on DriveThruRPG!

    cross-posted from:

    > Guess what? > > WE'RE LIVE!!! > > Fully Automated RPG is now available for "purchase" on DriveThruRPG! > > > > If you haven't yet had a look, check us out now! The book is free as in speech, and free as in beer! And if you like what you see, please rate us, review us, and tell your friends! (or foes!)

    Request: Help making an executive summary to advise my company to electrify our vehicle fleet IMMEDIATELY

    I work for a large biotech manufacturer doing field work. I -- and thousands of other field engineers -- are assigned company cars, which are all ICEs.

    I have pointed out in the past that this is a mistake: we should at the very least, allow the engineers the choice to select an electric car from the options provided.

    The fleet management team tested this out, but ultimately passed up on the option, because they wanted to shift towards reimbursing drivers instead of managing the fleet. They argued that this met everyone's needs, including allowing employees to drive electric if they want to buy one.

    I think this is a big mistake: most people still find the transition complicated when shopping personally, but fleet program can manage a large number of vehicles purchasing, insurance, and maintenance much better, and is better equipped to help people get home chargers if they want. They literally piloted this exact program, and then chose not to expand it.

    I want to contact relevant parties and try to assertively communicate that in this moment, we should all be in a war footing. This is an absolute crisis, and the company is clearly looking at simple options to do its part and leaving them unused because it's not aligned with their preferred proposal.

    Can anyone help me collect up the shortest, most direct sources to share a five minute slide deck that says, "WAKE THE F*** UP! ROLL OUT THE PLAN YOU ALREADY SET UP AND TESTED, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, PEOPLE!"

    ‘Huge win’: Brown University protesters reach an agreement to dismantle encampment ‘Huge win’: Brown University protesters reach an agreement to dismantle encampment

    Student organizers agreed to break down their encampment by 5 p.m. Tuesday in exchange for concessions from Brown's administration.

    ‘Huge win’: Brown University protesters reach an agreement to dismantle encampment

    This article describes the little-reported on success that Brown University had in disbanding student protest... by conceding to let activists present a case for divestment at an upcoming hearing before the university's investment board.

    There's a lot of interesting considerations. The university did not agree to drop charges against forty students for rule violations, but the charged students themselves voted to accept the agreement under the belief that the overall offer was worth their own sacrifices.

    Overall, I personally think this shows the irresponsibly unreported fact that negotiation with a protest IS an option that can serve the interests of both sides far better than state violence.

    How Rep. Summer Lee Cruised to Victory {The Intercept] How Rep. Summer Lee Cruised to Victory

    In the first test of Israel–Palestine primary politics, Squad member Rep. Summer Lee wins in a blowout against Bhavini Patel in Pennsylvania.

    How Rep. Summer Lee Cruised to Victory

    >Summer Lee cruised to a convincing victory on Tuesday night against a well-financed opponent who had hoped Lee’s outspoken opposition to Israel’s ongoing attack on Gaza would bring the freshman congresswoman down. With most of the vote counted, Lee leads Bhavini Patel with a blowout margin. The race was a test of the politics of Israel–Palestine, as Lee is among the Squad members who called for an early ceasefire and whom AIPAC had been hoping to take out.

    I made some new art for the game – sort of a recruiting poster for the Civil Defense.

    cross-posted from:

    > I’m not sure why but I’ve always found the Civil Defense to be really cool, and I often try to work it into my stories in one form or another (though none of those have been published yet). When I was helping with reorganizing FA!’s box text on the military, I thought it’d be a good addition. > > It fulfills the role of being an organized, primarily civilian, primarily voluntary disaster relief organization. It has a long history in dozens of countries, in one form or another, all around the world. Its provided training, search and rescue, preventative measures, emergency response, and recovery, in everything from wars, to natural disasters, and even the Chernobyl disaster. And the different formats used in all those countries give us a historical precident for almost any organizational structure we choose. Want to make it an auxiliary of a military branch? The US did that at some points. Directly part of the military? Some Soviet countries ran it that way. A purely civilian volunteer charity? Britain has recently revived theirs and is running it like that. They can even function as a volunteer militia, like the British home guard, or the American Civil Air Patrol who Wikipedia claims once dropped bombs on axis submarines. > > And they have history. People like that kind of lineage, the sense of being part of something that dug people out of rubble in the blitz, that cleared radioactive debris in Chernobyl. There's a long history of sacrifice and service to draw on. And one with comparatively few atrocities on the record. > > They're even pretty cool visually. They have the iconic blue triangle motif common in most countries, and a blue and white color scheme not really associated with combat. > > Whether you need someone to respond to wildfires, to assist paramedics, to build levees in a flood, or to distribute and build tornado shelters, it's not a far leap from what they've already done. Like Noir said on the discord, given the scale of the Global Climate Wars in the game’s backstory, it seems pretty likely that every government on the planet would start handing out shovels and white helmets again. > > And I think it fits the anarchist influences in solarpunk. Putting some of the responsibilities and capabilities for disaster relief back in the hands of the community. It's also a decent role for a varied cast of characters in a RPG. People with regular lives and skills who can be tasked with a quest and be granted some degree of official legitimacy. > > When I wrote up the Civil Defense section for the game manual, I tried to provide enough flexibility to allow players and GMs the option to adjust the local Civil Defense chapter to fit their campaign. I like the idea of modern chapters tracing their lineage to different local groups, a postwar militia here, a wildland fire fighter unit there. Like the Defense served as a way to bring various factions (especially armed ones) into the fold, providing them with improved legitimacy in trade for increasing oversight and standardization. So while they’re supplied and trained by the same organization, at the unit level they have some leeway in how they operate and what they specialize in, which can conveniently fit any campaign that wants to use them. >

    andrewrgross Andy
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