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Debian 12 "Bookworm" released
Debian 12 "Bookworm" released
Debian 12 "Bookworm" released
hey i was just gonna post this. nice
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Same, all of my servers here at home and at school (IT department) are Debian 11, but I'm gonna wait for a little bit before pulling the trigger. I might use one of the less important ones to upgrade idk.
That being said, I have damn near zero reason to think they'll have problems upgrading to 12. It's why I pick Debian for every computer. Thanks Debian :)
Exciting! I've only been with debian since just before 11, then up to now. I find it so usable, so I wonder what this will bring?
What LMDE 6 is going to offer more than Debian 12? In backend of course.
Trying it out as a daily driver for the next week or so. I'm really impressed with this release so far.