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I'm tired of reading about "right-wing anarchisms"

The fantasy-story of right-wing anarchy is creating misinformation, someone thinks that something like "anarcho-capitalism" is real philosophy, instead of the linguistic distortion of fascist-capitalism that it is.

Should people even specify that they are left-wing anarchists now? Do we really want to put a stop to this propagandistic joke? Anarchy will always be the extreme left into the political pendulum.

And I will tell you more: anarchism is by its nature also pacifism, as it aims to prevent any form of uncontrolled power on others. This is to silence even centrists: another fake group, people who think that it's not "extremist" in its own abstinence, in delegating violence.

  • The fantasy-story of right-wing anarchy is creating misinformation, someone thinks that something like "anarcho-capitalism" is real philosophy, instead of the linguistic distortion of fascist-capitalism that it is.

    100% agree, right wing "anarchism" is authoritarianism with extra steps. It'll always end up with a few people holding the most power.

    Should people even specify that they are left-wing anarchists now?

    I call myself a libertarian socialist, while not technically the same it's clearer than just saying anarchist.

    We shouldn't let the "an"caps claim anarchism, be proud of it

    And I will tell you more: anarchism is by its nature also pacifism, as it aims to prevent any form of uncontrolled power on others. This is to silence even centrists: another fake group, people who thinks that it's not extremist in its own abstinence, in delegating violence.

    Anarchism is an ideology that promotes peace, equality and i'm not sure if we can reach this type of world without some amount of violence. I myself am a pacifist to my ideology, but that is only ideally. Seeing people especially excited about the violence part is a little weird to me (i.e. thinking revolutions have to be bloody and civil war like, when it could be just as effective as syndicalism puts it)

    You can't argue with tyrants. You can't tell the Sauds to peacefully resign, you need action and violence as disheartening as it may be. People will die, but it's better than millions suffering in silence for decades, even centuries.

    • I do think it is often possible to force despots to resign through nonviolent conflict. Their power ultimately stems from obedience of others—if that obedience is removed they are just as powerless as any of us.

      So the question is: can that obedience be undermined through nonviolent resistance? I think the answer is often yes, and we have seen such things before in history.

      On the other hand, even many pacifists acknowledge the righteousness of self defense. So if nonviolent efforts fail and the tyrant comes for you and yours and you have to fight back I won’t fault anyone for this. On the other hand, you can’t and shouldn’t want to engage overwhelming military force on its own terms. That’s not a fight we can ever win head on.

      • I do think it is often possible to force despots to resign through nonviolent conflict. Their power ultimately stems from obedience of others—if that obedience is removed they are just as powerless as any of us.

        Their power comes from us, and it is possible to force them to resign without violence.

        So the question is: can that obedience be undermined through nonviolent resistance? I think the answer is often yes, and we have seen such things before in history.

        Yes, i think so. But this heavily depends on if the people can even organize or not. In the french revolution the people revolted due to mass poverty. We don't have that now, tyrants have gotten smarter. They know if they condition us to the horrible lives we live then increase our wealth ever so slightly it'll discourage revolution, because who'd revolt against their benefactors?

        On the other hand, even many pacifists acknowledge the righteousness of self defense. So if nonviolent efforts fail and the tyrant comes for you and yours and you have to fight back I won’t fault anyone for this. On the other hand, you can’t and shouldn’t want to engage overwhelming military force on its own terms. That’s not a fight we can ever win head on.

        You must understand, i do not come from the west where, despite all its faults you can at least criticize it. I live in Saudi Arabia; all forms of protest are dealt with brutally and swiftly, and criticizing the ruling family can get you executed or jailed for decades.

        It's practically suicide to try to revolt in any way. You'd need the mass approval of the people while doing it in private. The military is a joke but the real scare is the SANG, the national guard. The sauds are paranoid of a coup or revolution, so they fund the national guard way more than the military. When i read animal farm, i was spooked by the similarities between the Sauds and Napoleon.

        We have tried to overthrown our oppressive governments before but...

    • How and when morally acceptable is the use of violence has always been the subject of deep debate mostly among anarchists. Pacifism is often misunderstood on this point: pacifism can precede forms of self-defense - and therefore violence - when it comes to self-preservation.

      Liberalism is another thought to dismantle, as it has long moved historically on the right side of the political pendulum. Today's democracies show that either you reduce it at least to bring some socialism or you create the inconveniences that we see daily from its inefficiency.

      • How and when morally acceptable is the use of violence has always been the subject of deep debate mostly among anarchists. Pacifism is often misunderstood on this point: pacifism can precede forms of self-defense - and therefore violence - when it comes to self-preservation.

        I agree, but some of our "peers" think it's necessary to cause a mass revolution that'll cause thousands of death. When i think of revolution i think of something along the lines of syndicalism. We have the power of the workers, why not use it? why would we have to construct an entire military and fight a powerful one?

        Liberalism is another thought to dismantle, as it has long moved historically on the right side of the political pendulum. Today's democracies show that either you reduce it at least to bring some socialism or you create the inconveniences that we see daily from its inefficiency.

        Liberalism has infected modern political debates. While it is better than ultraconservatism that is not a high bar. And decades of red scare propaganda from the US and the failures of ""AES"" have completely tarnished our reputation. People see socialism as this scary thing when at its basis it is literally just the workers owning the means of production. I find people are less uncomfortable when you mention Market Socialism, and show them how it's not too radical.

  • Yeah nothing says “my political views comes only from nothing but podcasts and YouTube videos but I consider myself well read and super informed” like people who try to liken anarchism with any form of right wing ideology.

  • There are definitely "right-wing" anarchist currents that are popular and not as unhinged as how "anarcho-capitalism" is generally characterized, as in, anarchism that espouses the use of capitalism, but I have not really seen any genuinely "socially conservative", anarchists. Pacifism is reactionary and emboldens the status quo.