Reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote banned content
Reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote banned content

Reddit says the “vast majority” of users won’t be affected.

Reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote banned content
Reddit says the “vast majority” of users won’t be affected.
Left because any form of critique gets you a ban. People rather look away from problems so they can say they don’t see any.
Friendly reminder that almost all news media outlets and social media platforms are owned by a handful of extremely wealthy individuals and they are in full control of the algorithm that feeds you content, so you'll likely never see anything that is critical of them or advocates for them to have less power or influence than they do.
This is the 2025 version of "The revolution won't be televised".
It's horrifying especially to think how Reddit never did anything about the fucked up things incels would say they wanted to do to underage girls and women, or the literally jailbait, racist, insanity they'd share. Basically that stuff was always okay, but if you want to defend yourself against your oppressor? Banned for upvoting despite you didn't even think the comment was "bannable".
10 years on reddit, surprised about my comments never getting the same traction as identical comments. 3 days ban for insinuating a billionaire performing a Nazi salute may indeed be a Nazi, second ban for insinuating violent action sometimes needs to be taken in defense of democracy. Permaban for (politely and positively) judging the looks of someone that asked to be judged through a photography, and clearly needed lo lift up their self-esteem.
I rage quit reddit and delete my account that I opened long ago with the Google account I have recently cancelled.
I decide that maybe it deserves a second chance, so I create a new account with the email I account I host myself in my own server with my own domain.
The exact same comments I posted, with the exact same content and intention now get thousands of upvotes (so clearly, I had been shadowbanned for years)
Fuck them. Hello community, looking forward to have constructive interactions here.
15 years on reddit. Multiple accounts banned for slamming Nazis. So I'm here slamming Nazis. Long live Lemmy.
And that is why I'm here now. Hello fellow travellers!
reddit died when it became a publicly traded company. now it is just another propaganda tool
So the user who posts it can be banned and then the entire comment tree and upvoters. Selectively removing people/entire groups they don't want being visible and keep/promote the ones they do. AI trained on all of this to monitor the speech in real time. So basically no dissent ever being visible because it's removed before anyone can see and the user banned before they can let anyone know, a mass silent cyber gag.
At least that's how I see it being used. Here's a picture of my dog though.
Yeah that was my last straw with reddit
Thats some goddamn thought police shit.
Also tells you how goddamn awful the powers that be are, that the only way they can stop criticism of their badness is to ban anyone that even gives the lowest effort agreement with the criticism.
Grateful to be here and help this place grow. I’m so over Reddit.
Which is why I'm here!
And now I'm here!
Reddit going full mask-off 1984 huh? Next thing it’ll be illegal to downvote things Reddit likes to push… Or why even bother with the votes anyway, Reddit will just show you only the things that it deems good for you, like the benevolent Big Brother.
Fuck that place.
Also: welcome to all our new members! “We’re Not Perfect, But At Least We’re Not Reddit!” (TM)
And now here I am.
Reddit says the vast majority of users will not be affected Is that because the vast majority of users are bots? 🤔
Reddit sets the threshold for violent content really low. At one point someone asked if a prisoner who is medically revived from the dead has served their life sentence, I answered that you have to be irrevocably dead, and admins said that promoted or glorified violence. I made no mention of violence whatsoever, nothing I said encouraged violence in any way, and somehow even on appeal they didn’t realize how ridiculous that was.
Yeah, that's why I'm here now. That site has just been getting shittier and shittier.
The people running Reddit are so useless that they can't ban things they don't like fast enough, so they have to punish their userbase for their ineptitude.
Everybody upvote Luigi content! Get banned! Leave reddit! Reddit crumbles! Fuck reddit! Go Luigi! Lemmy grows! Centralized social media dies! I eat a burrito. That last one wasn't really on topic, but it's happening anyways! I'm hungry.
Burrito pilled Lemmy maxing
Try explaining that term to someone in 1925. I'm proud of how far we've come.
I've been banned twice in the past 30 days.
5 of my accts were banned last month, all at once. one got temp suspended, and a triggered a sitewide ban for the others for some "reason. theres no reason to ban all others when it was just temp suspended. but they went extra out of thier way(any old and new accts that have years of seperation between a subreddit ban(if they dint get banned immediately after getting sub banned) they banned accounts.
ex, i had 2 unused accts 5+years, and 1 recent temp suspension(then they look at other accts you were per banned from a subreddit in, and banned all of them). i had also a couple of unused throwaways that i started using from years ago(last month), and a semi-new acct that i use just in case of a ban that i dint use for 90days. and then 1 acct strictly used for 1 subreddit.
only 1 survived but its still flagged by reddit, but have no ban on it right now. creating mroe than 1 acct just puts people at risk of getting banned.
Already got permabanned for saying he was justified, I like it better here anyway
Same here.
I got banned but their site is so shit the links to the message you got banned for never work. Been banned/warned enough times it's not a one off either.
i pointed out the censoring of luigi news in dec, and people actually believed that wasnt happening, and having all that trump rage post slop thats been posting in order to astroturf luigi news.
I agree. And now want to be your friend.
Why I'm here on Lemmy now lol.
Does that mean spez is getting banned for being a mod on r/jailbait?
wow so many newcomers in this thread. Welcome guys!
At this point being banned might be a good thing to drive home the point that also my favorite of the old corporate internet platforms should be avoided. I'm doing quite okay on staying away from Meta and have long deleted my Twitter account. I can't get myself do drop Reddit somehow. Seems like they're only helping me get off my addiction
Citizen, you have been found guilty of wrong think!
Thought police will be dispatched.
Karma police will soon follow
Please report for reeducation