Adding URL clears text body
I've had this happen a few times now. I type up a nice post, then add a URL in the "Post URL" field when I'm done, and it deletes everything I've typed. Infuriating for longer text posts... anyone else have this happen?
Upvoting a post from the list of posts doesn't seem to get carried over after opening the post itself.
Upvoting a post in the list of posts, and then opening the post: the upvote is not showing, and I have to upvote again.
How to replicate
- Browse the list of pots
- Upvote a post
- Notice the post is upvoted
- Open the post to read the comments
- Notice the post is no longer upvoted
- Upvote the post again
When I try to reply to an existing comments I consistenly get "Error: language_not_allowed"
In a browser I get the option of setting a "Language" of my comment - which then allow me to post my comment. This option doesn't appear to exist in Connect?!?!
deleting a comment hides post
When you delete your comment, you will be backed out of the post and see your feed. The problem is if you have "mark posts as read" and "hide read posts" set to true, then the post is hidden and you can't correct what lever mistake you might have been trying to fix, like posting a top level thread rather than a reply.
Settings don't save
After making changes in the settings, Connect notifies me that the settings have been saved. When I exit the settings afterwards, the changes aren't applied. At other times, the changes are applied initially, but the app reverts back to the previous settings after closing and opening it again. Changing one setting at a time rather than making multiple changes seems to help a little bit, though I can't reliable verify that behaviour.
No way to upvote image only comment without swipe gesture
Toolbar does not appear at the bottom of a comment when it is only composed of an image. Clicking the comment make the image opens.
The behaviour is not the same when a comment contains text: clicking the comment text make toolbar appears under the comment and i can upvote or downvote or make use of other usefull features.
So the problem is that when swipe gesture is not enable, there is no way for me to upvote or downvote an image comment.
Cannot open link to community
Tried to open ! without success.
Access via works fine.
Save Settings button resets changes to block list
If I manually make changes to the blocklists from the blocklist settings page, then go back to the main settings page and select save settings, the blocklist reverts to how it was before the changes.
If I do the same but exit settings without clicking save settings, it works as intended and the changes persist.
[Bug report] Redgif does not seem to link correctly.
Redgif is not embedded correctly most of the videos can't play in the app.
[Solved] when going into a post it shows the parent post content for a second, and then errors out to this screen. Multiple servers tried.
No it's not because of my battery charge lol.
I had to log in on a browser to view anything, and to create this post.