there's a really robust and feature-rich #plugin for for people playing and running a campaign for a #TTRPG like #DND (#dungeonsAndDragons not do not disturb)
i am regularly frustrated with the larger community being so hot for Medium. is it that lucrative to write there??
people in #pkm and will be interested in this software too.
sometimes i am annoyed when i find a repository on github that is a better version of something i've been working on. but this time i found an vault that is entirely to have a vault of
i am learning a lot of cool things today, like #Pintora is a diagrams-as-code markup language that is parsed similar to markdown? i use mermaid and excalidraw and draw-io/diagrams-net diagrams in
⚙️ Workflow optimization alert! Let's talk about automating repetitive tasks within @obsidianmd to save time and focus on what truly matters. [#EfficiencyHacks](htt
( Will #Obsidian Publish ever be integrated into the Fediverse, do you think?
I have very little to complain about #Obsidian. It's a truly remarkable app!
I am using @obsidianmd local so no synchronization. But if I would decide to enable synchronization hosted by the wonderful people of [#obsidianMD](
Are there any #PlainText or #Markdown apps that can list the full names of files, on multiple lines, on a narrow screen? Landsc
Anyone want to write me some #CSS to make the traditional writer's reminder of missing information, TK, show up prominently in [#Obsidian](
( @obsidian what is the latest on the WebP bug?