Where can saved (clicked on star) posts be found?
[Thanks morgunkorn for replying to show where it is: on our Profile pages, 4 lines beneath our usernames.]
How can I find a list of the Lemmy posts I've saved in my browser?
Saving posts are done by clicking on the star icon. Once saved the icon becomes orange.
Can't find them on my Profile page, or via the Search page, and searches seem to only answer it for apps.
Failed to create a new community on
I was trying to create a community with id=til_about_computer_science name=TIL about Computer Science
However, everytime I click "Create", there was no response.
The console log says
POST Status 400 VersionHTTP/3 Transferred820 B (28 B size) Referrer Policysame-origin Request PriorityHighest DNS ResolutionDNS over HTTPS
Response rate_limit_error
Do I just need to wait for a while?
Besides, there was no UI on the webpage telling me what was wrong