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PC Hardwareshops ohne Versandkosten
  • Wenn du einen 3D-Drucker hast, kannst du das ausdrucken

  • PlayStation's CEO drastically underestimates the Steam crowd's patience, thinks PC gamers will buy a PS5 for exclusive sequels
  • I think it's meant in this way:

    ...underestimates the Steam crowd's patience to wait even longer for the games they want to play to become available without having to buy PS5 or sign up for another acount

  • A cool guide to the world’s largest private equity firms
  • Nope. Different company. Although the founders of BlackRock started at Blackstone.

  • RNAception
  • Thank you!

  • RNAception
  • Which movie is this from?

  • But they wouldn't know the taste
  • Everything tastes like chicken.

  • AI editing tools are coming to all Google Photos users
  • Like EddoWagt wrote, it does have a web app. It also allows sharing, with or without a password, limiting if they can download or upload to the shared album/link.

  • AI editing tools are coming to all Google Photos users
  • I suggest Immich. It has similar visual to Google photos, is self-hosted, has face recognition, mobile apps for autoupload, etc.

  • Looking for Sigils og Elohim for Android
  • I know you're asking about Android, but it's on Steam. Maybe it can be played remotely..?

  • Day/Night Switcher has arrived to Plasma 6!
  • I was using DynamicTheme before but it stopped working with Plasma 6. Didn't want to wait for someone to implement it so I wrote a little script to check the sunrise and sunset times for my location and change the global theme accordingly. A cron job runs the script every few minutes and the theme changes when applicable.

  • Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them
  • Haven't watched the video but he is one of the reasons and a strong one. He has really big hands and has been pushing flagship devices since forever.

  • The HDMI Forum rejected AMD's open source HDMI 2.1 implementation
  • Which TVs have DisplayPort?

  • Trudeau visits Kyiv, predicts victory for Ukraine on invasion's two-year anniversary
  • Can he also predict what the upcoming lottery numbers will be?

  • PowerDeleteSuite still works for nuking your Reddit history
  • It looks like it does but there are many reports of people finding their comments restored. Their username is deleted but the comment/post is back.

  • Where midlife crisis Yoda is?
  • "I don't like yogurt. It's cold, runny, and it gets everywhere."

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