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Which Email provider Tuta or Proton?
  • What all do you consider "synchronizing" to include? I mean, the calendars won't, but using Etar+NextCloud for calendar, and Tuta for email, has worked fine for me. Of course it means that my calendar isn't encrypted.

    I just tested sending an ICS event to both. The Tuta app offered to open it on Etar, and Etar offered the default calendar with dropdown for others, just like normal. (Strangely it didn't even offer to open on Tuta's own calendar, which is in the same app; maybe because I've added no calendars there?) Proton's app (which may be out of date, the mail app isn't on F-droid, either publicly or in an official repository, and I'm a lazy updater) wanted to open it on Proton Calendar only when I don't even have it installed.

    Proton's bridge OTOH worked really well for me for syncing to Thunderbird, probably works as well for Office too.

  • Which Email provider Tuta or Proton?
  • First thing you need to understand is that the smooth end-to-end encryption works only tuta-to-tuta or proton-to-proton, so in rare cases. Encryption at rest, which is what tuta-to-proton, gmail-to-tuta etc. can do, is something that a lot of other email providers do too.

    I'm currently in the process of moving from Proton to Tuta, because despite several years of promises, the Android client for Proton still doesn't do non-google push notifications. Also because if you just need email with your own domain, Tuta is much more price-friendly. (The tier also includes unlimited calendars and event invites, which I haven't tried.) If you also want VPN and encrypted storage, the balance tips.

    I don't use the calendar from either, so can't talk for their properties. I prefer seamless calendar integration for wrist gadget integration and such, so using NextCloud Calendar + DavX. For smooth integration with encryption, could also look into Etesync. I think you'll be able to share an ics attachment from either of those through your normal calendar.

    Germany is a 14-eyes-country, but since I'm just privacy conscious and my threat model doesn't include international-coordination-level actors (barely state level, am in the EU but not German, so eh, far enough), it doesn't matter that much to me. Proton also has to obey court rulings.

  • TIL Many bronze age peoples forgot what stone age tools were, and thought discovered ones as some kind of mystical talismans or signs from a thunder god When stone tools were considered lightning remnants – and weapons of the gods

    Neolithic stone axes were known as thunderstones and thought to have magical powers

    When stone tools were considered lightning remnants – and weapons of the gods

    Also mistaken for fulgurite by the more naturalistically minded, apparently. Maybe most common in the Nordics, based on viking references?

    Additional links: [Finnish]

    How much difference can one degree of warming make?
  • Interesting. As someone living in the boreal zone, I remember the consensus being that we'll have more precipitation, especially as snow in the winter. And though on average milder winters, the the extreme weather phenomena also means more extremely cold winter days. Of course this is bound to vary by region. Goes to show how uncertain the consequences are.

  • meow_irl
  • Yea, about the same on extensive dental when I switched to a vet that did routine dental x-rays. This was the year after her radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism, $1500+. No regrets, little fucker is worth all of it and more, but damn those would be tough choices on a tighter budget.

  • 💉💉💉
  • Variolation (introducing the smallpox virus through the skin, not respiratory tract as its natural spread would be, usually leading to a milder infection and subsequent immunity) had been around for a while. Jenner's accomplishment was successfully using the related cowpox virus to grant immunity to the smallpox virus, based on observations that people working with cattle rarely caught smallpox. This eliminated many of the downsides of variolation (eg. risk of breakthrough disease, and variolated individuals being infectious for smallpox for a while).

  • How often do you upgrade your phone?
  • My current (Android, custom ROM that still gets updates) phone is 6 years old. I tend to upgrade when the phone breaks, the battery gives up, I hear of some severe vulnerability, or even these updates stop. As a replacement I get something used in the $100-150 range, so at least a couple years old. Maybe every 5 years or so.

    Edit: The power bank is my friend.

  • What is on your "things to 3d print" list?
  • Replacement mouthpiece for a vintage flute that had a plastic one.

    Flute pad hole punch aimer thingy so I can make cheap China pads into open-hole ones for not-so-great flutes without having to buy a bunch of open-hole ones (version 1 was already made and proved the idea, now it's just to iterate).

    E facilitator prototypes before I CNC them (still learning CNC and I don't like it).

    Flute airstream aimer clip-on thingy for older people who have lost their embochure due to dental operations and such. (after I get the hang of the replacement mouthpiece; this is probably the most difficult one, due to precise mouthpiece shape needed)

    Model for manually engraving the right size & shape replacement piece out of bone, for a badly cracked teapot.


  • Deleted
    If the average adult visits their parents once a week for 2 hours...
  • My first thought was "wtf, once a week, ain't nobody got time for that", but then I realized that when I visit my parents I make a long weekend out of it. And 5x48h is about as many hours per year.

    But yea. Out of all the things you are likely to regret later in life, spending more time with the people you love is not one of them.

  • Arvostelu: Normalin 7€ "Man Up" partahöylä

    Arvostelu: Normalin 7€ "Man Up" partahöylä


    • halpa kuin mikä
    • ulkonäkö jossain määrin muokattavissa
    • toimii
    • vaatii sääätämistä
    • kahvasta halpa fiilis ja sisältää muovia
    • "closed edge", 2-osainen terämekanismi
    • erittäin pääpainava
    • pitkävartinen, 10,6 cm varsi ```

    Osui tässä männä päivänä silmääni Normal:ista partahöylä 7€:n hinnalla. Koska sähköajuri vetelee viimeisiään ja kasettihöylien muoviroska ja hinta ketuttaa, päädyin sitten nappaamaan mukaan. Mainittakoon että minulla ei ole aikaisempaa kokemusta partahöylistä, ja vaikka naamaan jokunen haituva valitettavasti kasvaakin, testaus on tehty pääasiassa säärillä ja kainaloilla.

    Käytin nesteenä ihan vain vettä ja käsisaippuaa. Ensimmäisen yrityksen jälkeen sain naamaan pari nirhaumaa, toisella yrittämällä vain yhden pienen. Sääreen sain vanhan näppylän kohdalle yhden. Kainalot yllättäen menivät molemmilla yrityksillä mallikkaasti, vaikka siellä arpiepätasaisuutta onkin, ja tulos on ensipäivän kuin epiloinnin jäljiltä mutta huomattavasti miellyttävämmin (ja sitä kautta nopeammin) saavutettu. Kasvaa tietysti nopeammin. Kaiken kaikkiaan ajotulos on myös vasta-alkajalta siisti, ja vaati vähemmän "höyläämistä" kuin halpis-kasettihöylät. 2 viikon seurannassa ei tulehduksia.

    Puhdistusta varten uudelleen avattaessa ilmeni tämän höylän suurin vika: Kahvan muovikappale ei ole kunnolla kiinni, vaan lähtee helposti pyörimään, mikä tekee pääosan irroittamisesta hankalaa tai suoraan vaarallista. Kahvaosan saa kuitenkin voimakkaasti kiertäen auki, ja esim. 2-komponenttiepoksi molempiin päihin tikulla levittäen minkä jälkeen tiivis kokoaminen auttaa asiaan. Tässä yhteydessä tietenkin voisi myös maalata muoviosan, tulostaa erilaisen, tms. En jaksanut, mutta jos olisin hankkinut tietäen että säätämiseen joutuu, varmaankin olisin väsännyt jkl yksisarvisoksennuskahvan ihan vain koska.

    Kaiken kaikkiaan suosittelen partahöylistä kiinnostuneille joilla on rajallinen budjetti mutta jotka ovat valmiita vähän säätämään, eikä lähellä ole myyjää jolta saisi ylijäämälaitteen sopivaan hintaan. Eri mieltä saa olla.

    What have you changed your mind about?
  • I think that for most, this was a shift from "mildly opposed" to "mildly supportive, and if you're going to do it, do it now".

    At least my pro/con list hasn't changed, just the odds. I still think we're more likely to be dragged into war somewhere far away than being attacked ourselves, and that the US is an unreliable ally. But those are acceptable risks compared to the chance of having the whole NATO having our back if there were to be war on our ground.

  • Huge data leak dubbed the 'Mother of all Breaches' sees 26 BILLION records leaked from sites
  • Of the companies listed on the screenshot or mentioned in the article, at least LinkedIn, Twitter, Deezer, Dropbox, Zynga and MyFitnessPal have been hacked before. Probably just a collection of old data?

    Edit: Yeah, aggregated data

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