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The Supreme Court just made a massive power grab it will come to regret
  • There's no karma to be had here, this is the end game. The Republicans have been working to dismantle the government for decades. Every piece that can be sold off to private enterprise will, regulation will be gutted, and consequences be damned.

    The fall of the US is now inevitable. There is no future for anyone here that isn't already rich. Leave if you can.

  • EXCLUSIVE: Florida educators trained to teach students Christian nationalism
  • For the intelligent, critical thinking ones sure. Of course the rest of their education is designed to prevent that whenever possible.

    I like to think of myself as reasonably intelligent and self-aware, but it took me about 15 years after moving out of my childhood home to fully break free of the indoctrination I'd received.

  • The Verge shows how Google search is useless
  • Funny. I primarily used Startpage for the last few years, but have had increasing problems with them providing bad/irrelevant results and frequently straight-up blocking my IP or requiring completion of a CAPTCHA before providing results. I switched to DDG, which has been working pretty well, and seems much better to me than it had when trying it a few years ago.

  • No. That can't be it.
  • I doubt it's about that. Putin wants a friendly administration in the White House that would reduce/eliminate sanctions, stop supporting Ukraine, and look the other way when Russia grabs more land.

    Gaza is one of the areas where Biden is the weakest, and Putin is surely doing everything in his power to make Gaza an issue that loses Biden votes.

  • How Many Horsepower Does A Commercial Jet Engine Have?
  • It is impossible to precisely estimate engine thrust in horsepower.

    ...But the article then goes to on to provide an estimate.

    How accurate is the lb thrust to hp conversion?

    The conversion is highly accurate within the context of theoretical calculations. However, real-world factors like engine efficiency, atmospheric conditions, and aerodynamic drag can affect actual performance.

    Also weird that the article compares the power output of 777 engines at cruise against that of the a380's engines at takeoff. If the point of this article is to juxtapose power output with the automotive figures we're familiar with, that's like giving a figure of "a Toyota Camry only makes 35 horsepower while driving at a steady speed down the highway". While perhaps factual, it just makes the comparison more confusing. And if the point is to put the power of aircraft engines into terms we're familiar with, well automotive engines are pretty much advertised by their maximum output.

  • Is my peach tree dead?
  • It looks like there's buds on it. It's fine. It will flower first, and then leaves will start to come in.

    Seems to be a 'late bloomer', I don't know enough about the particulars of your climate of this specific tree to speculate on why.

  • A map of passenger trains in the US vs Europe
  • Yeah, Western Europe is obviously far better served than the US with public rail transit, but this US map is missing every urban rail system in the country and who knows what else. It's disingenuous and undercuts the argument.

  • Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities
  • This argument completely ignores the impact this has on regular people. People who end up late to pick up their kids from daycare and end up owing extra money when they can barely make ends meet as it is. Yeah, this may have some marginal impact on the capitalist class, but it will be far more painful for the employees who WILL be held accountable for being late to work and may easily end up fired, and certainly will not be paid for the time they miss. Let alone the life safety issues this type of demonstration creates. This is holding your peers ransom because of something you want and you take away their autonomy to decide whether or not to take part. If you can't convince people to join your cause willingly, maybe your cause isn't as good as you think it is.

  • Anon watches LOTR
  • Eh, I think it's more related to survivorship bias of the movies we remember. Most movies from decades ago were utter trash then too, we mostly remember the good ones while most of the rubbish fades away and is forgotten.

  • Here's why Americans under 40 are so disillusioned by capitalism
  • You're talking about income tax rates, and I agree that the top tax rates should be higher, but this won't fix the problem because billionaires don't make their money from salaries. Most of their money is theoretical and tied up in ownership of shares of a company.

    They can sell shares or earn dividends to make money, so capital gains should also be taxed at a much higher rate. But billionaires often choose not to sell shares either because they have a better option...

    They take out low interest rates loans using their shares as collateral. The interest rates they are charged are generally going to be far lower than the interest on their stocks that stay invested,. This is where most of their liquidity comes from, because loans aren't taxed, and in some regard is almost an infinite money glitch for billionaires.

    I think we need to make it illegal to use financial holdings as collateral for loans, at least for starters.

  • 'We all felt a kind of a [bump,] jolt': Engine cover rips open as Southwest flight takes off from DIA [Robert Garrison | Apr 07, 2024 | Denver7 ABC]
  • Good point, but it's not that either. I guess most of the people here don't watch the ground crews at the airport before boarding - it seems these clamshell panels are opened between every flight (or at least very frequent intervals) for engine inspections and probably oil sampling. The far and away most likely cause is the ground crew forgot to latch the panel back up after performing their inspection.

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