And here we see the usual gazlighting from the warmongerer. He think he protects ukrainian while saying the same thing as ursula van der leyen, who are in bed with the weapon industry and both have more corruption scandals than all the assads.
Meanwhile, ukrainians I know just hope they won't get drafted to the butchery. Go die in ukraine if you like it so much bitch they're hiring.
You're an idiot if you think you get health insurance by voting lmao.
I'm glad americans don't have health insurance. They don't deserve it. When my people wanted health insurance, they striked, protested and got shot at until they got it.
All the yanks talk about is about how next time the rich old white dude will save them. Suckers. Their country is based on slavery. They are a country of slaves.
The US empowered fascsists all over the world, including in Russia. Yeltsin was a Washington bitch. Your complete disregard for any king of truth is, to me, the definite proof that westoid are subhumans and I hope somebody nuke new york ahah imagine all the dead yanks whining in pain after their eyes popped out in the blast.
Warms my heart.
The US just salvaged syria with turkey, the israelis and fucking ISIS, you hypocritical bitch. The dude is on aljazira posing with RPGs one day and the next day, he's on CNN with a suit.
Fuck you. When the war will come I hope we'll put the warmongerers on the frontline ahah.