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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 days ago

  • We have a loose cannon in the white house, sure. But let's not forget all the congreessmen and senators either, agreeing with his policies. Trump isn't doing this stupid shit alone. All of Murca and 19% of Canadians are behind him.

    It's time to turn away from them and look elsewhere. That time is now. We can't afford to wait this out.

  • Canada

    Canada Must Protek

  • I understand and respect your disagreement.

    I view it as a trolley problem: if you don't flip the switch, or you love Krasnov, 3 people die. If you do, 1 person dies.

    The ones who do nothing and do not flip the switch are in agreement with the Krasnov lovers since there is no "conscientious objector" button at the polls.

  • Thanks for that! The analysis you present doesn't seem to account for the Jokers having variable values based on information only you and the receiver have predetermined, which is what I would propose to help solitaire be more secure. Also, a non-standard deck would help, such as a tarot deck.

  • “All players, no matter which country they play in, get paid in U.S. dollars,” Bettman told CNBC’s Becky Quick on Squawk Box on Wednesday. “So if the impact of the tariffs is to see the Canadian dollar drop relative to the U.S. dollar, it will make it more difficult and more painful.”

    Okay, but we put a tariff on our Canadian labour and we get 25% bonus. Win-con!

  • They're welcome to operate here, and pretty much always have been. Originally, VP Krasnov said amongst other things like fentanyl, we have to "open up" our banking. This I read as "deregulate" our banking to allow more risky, predatory, and derivative practices which served to crash Murca in '08, making a ton of money for those involved in the bailout welfare payments.

  • I understand what you're saying. I also dispute the 50% number.

    I'm saying only 30% of the country voted for him, 30% against, and 40% voted with their asses, making the effective amount of "love" 70%, not 50%.

    Approval rating of ~50% notwithstanding, he has a 70% mandate to fuck shit up when we have 40% ass-voters.