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Ah yes, organization.
  • I think it might have exploded if I hit "undo"

  • Open Source Rule
  • If it's Microsoft telling us that then why does the computer look like an iMac?

  • Barely side bee-booty
  • Wow, what an incredible photo.

  • Climate crisis with Poison Ivy
  • Killing the first one probably won't any more than killing a single mouse doesn't stop an infestation, but once the mice realize that you got a couple of cats they will find the exit.

    That's why you need to put traps by the exit too, the mice know too much and might potentially regroup to return with better tactics. You've got to get them all in one swift purge.

  • Photoshop Terms of Service grants Adobe access to user projects for ‘content moderation’ and other purposes
  • Adobe basically invented the SaaS model. It's not really practical to bootleg most Adobe products anymore either so most people break down and just pay the million dollar a year subscription fee so they can keep using it.

  • China shows off machine-gun-toting robot dog and its AI-powered puppy
  • Communism is incompatible with private property or classes which is why no matter how many states write "communism" on the tin, what they actually put in it is just fascist enforced state capitalism.

    China is not more communist or even socialist than the USA. A strong ruling class loves fascism and hates socialism. They are actively hostile to communism.

  • China shows off machine-gun-toting robot dog and its AI-powered puppy
  • China is state capitalism anyway. There isn't much Communist about them. The "party" is their 1% permanent ruling class.

  • Challenge
  • "Can I have extra napkins?"

    "Uh, actually I asked for non-fat skim mocha..."

    "Aren't you a little young/old to be working here?"

    "I specifically asked for mine to come with no pickle"

  • Why people don't talk about Google Maps' privacy issues
  • That just goes with a territory of having an iPhone. When you bought that device you signed on to a culture of consumption that is enforced by the developer of that device.

    The developer can't force Apple to let the developer give it to you for free. Apple doesn't tolerate free very well and anything that is free on Apple is likely either a privacy nightmare or is paid for by some subscription you have with Apple.

    This isn't a problem with the app It's a problem with the Apple.

  • Steam is such a good game store
  • Sometimes we have to make sacrifices to uphold our principles.

    Not getting abused by Sony and it's ilk Is just one of the many principles that we can uphold at minimal risk and for minimal cost.

  • Help us
  • I think it's short for negligently discharged but it's kind of stupid to shorten that. I can't imagine what reason there is to not just write " negligently discharged".

    Frankly I think calling it a "negligent discharge" is giving the officer too much credit. The gun shouldn't even have been unholstered. Guns are used to shoot not threaten. If he was pulling the gun out then he intended to fire it and if he pulled the gun out without intending to fire it then it wasn't a negligent discharge it was an incompetent booger hooking by a pants shitting coward.

  • FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote
  • I'm curious where you are that a business line doesn't cost more than a residential one because in my area it's three times as much. I am fortunate enough that I get symmetrical gigabit for $90 a month and although they don't promise static IP my IP has not changed in a while.

    If I wanted to get a real static IP I would have to upgrade to a business line It would cost $280 a month.

  • "I want to live forever in AI"
  • The series has a very satisfying conclusion.

    It's one of the coolest fucking things we watched this last year.

  • Samsung shifts to six-day workweeks to ‘inject a sense of crisis’ - The Verge
  • "For executives" is an important bit left out of the headline.

    At first I thought 6 day work weeks sound demented, but then, upon seeing it was for executives I can't help but wonder if it will even make a noticeable difference, especially since they are openly doing it as a psychological manipulation to compel executives to take the current 'crisis' seriously.

  • House Moves Toward Bundling TikTok Bill With Aid to Ukraine and Israel
  • By displaying a new power to regulate the internet that they have sworn was impossible in the past: punishing ISPs for customers' breaking of the law.

  • don't tell iceland
  • Have you ever met the kind of people that keep rats as pets? I'm gonna guess that at least 1% of them have tasted rat milk.

  • Soul Collector
  • Odin's trying something different this time.

  • April 15th Coordinated Economic Blockade to Free Palestine
  • It doesn't appear that they're asking for money so maybe your vibe detector is broken.

    Boycotting Israel seems like It's pretty obviously the right thing to do.

  • I found a bunch of these crawling around inside my garage. What is this Bug?

    They seem to spin some kind of silk everywhere they go. They seem to be no longer than about 4 mm. I noticed them crawling up things and then dropping down on a line of silk. I've started catching them by putting little sticks up in the air attached everywhere that I find them. They tend to gather at the top of the stick for easy rapture by vacuum.

    I took apart a giant projection TV and there were a bunch of these lining the screen mount.

    I feel like they probably have something to do with light level detection or infrared signal receiving but I genuinely have no idea. They could just as likely be part of the sound system for all I know.

    AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist
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