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I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • Because the headline goes along with all the people that thoughtlessly think ai is pointless, but the blog post itself is an incoherent mess that actually sometimes talks about how ai is useful and rapidly improving. It is a rambling mess. People who read it realise this. People who just read the headline assume it will say what they think. The chances that you made it through that whole thing are slim to none, but sure, maybe you read it, whatever. Congratulations, I'm sure it really improved your understanding.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • Yeah, this is exactly what I think it is. I'm a bit concerned about how hard it's going to hit a large number of people when they realize that they're echo chamber of "LLMs are garbage and have no benefits" was so completely wrong. I agree that there are scary aspects of all this, but pretending like they don't exist will just make it harder to deal with. It's like denying that the smoke alarm is going off until your arm is on fire.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • There is literally not a chance that anyone downvoting this actually read it. It's just a bunch of idiots that read the title, like the idea that llms suck and so they downvoted. This paper is absolute nonsense that doesn't even attempt to make a point. I seriously think it is ppprly ai generated and just taking the piss out of idiots that love anything they think is anti-ai, whatever that means.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • It blatantly contradicts itself. I would wager good money that you read the headline and didn't go much further because you assumed it was agreeing with you. Despite the subject matter, this is objectively horribly written. It lacks a cohesive narrative.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • Yes, and then you take the time to dig a little deeper and use something agent based like aider or crewai or autogen. It is amazing how many people are stuck in the mindset of "if the simplest tools from over a year aren't very good, then there's no way there are any good tools now."

    It's like seeing the original Planet of the Apes and then arguing against how realistic the Apes are in the new movies without ever seeing them. Sure, you can convince people who really want unrealistic Apes to be the reality, and people who only saw the original, but you'll do nothing for anyone who actually saw the new movies.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • Yeah, this paper is time wasted. It is hilarious that they think that 3 years is a long time as a data scientists and this somehow gives them such wisdom. Then, they can't even accurately extract the data from the chart that they posted in the article. On top of all this, like you pointed out, they can't even keep a clear narrative, and they blatantly contradict themself on their main point. They want to pile drive people who come to the same conclusion as themself. What a strange take.

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • I don't know how much stock to put in this author. They can't even read the chart that they shared. They saw that 8% didn't get use from gen ai and so assumed that 92% did. There are also 7% that haven't tried using it yet. Ironically, pretty much any LLM with vision would have done a better job of comprehending the chart than this author did.

  • House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza
  • TLDR: OP honestly pointed out an awful thing that the Dems did. This kind of honesty is bad because it may make you not want to vote for Dems. Republicans are bad because they are dishonest and do awful things.

  • House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza
  • Exactly. I'm just pointing out how stupid people are who always say that it's the Republicans that do awful shit and not Dems. This is yet another case of them both being awful, and yet whenever things like this get pointed out, people jump up and yell about how both sides are not the same. I just beat the fools to it so that when they do it, it looks especially dumb. They will probably just silently downvote since they really have no other way to respond.

  • House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza
  • BoTh SiDeS.. bla, bla bla... There must be some mistake here, Trump causes all the bad stuff, we just have to keep Trump out of office so then everything will be great! Trump is a literal fascist! He's going to do awful things, Biden and his dems are doing so good, basically the human form of the word "perfection"!

  • A second Trump term would double down on erasing trans rights. Here’s how advocates are preparing.
  • So you hear that trump wants to finish the war fast and the only solution you can come up with is glassing all of Gaza? Then you falsely attribute your demented solution to him because you think it will make biden look better? I'm not even going to vote for Trump, but people like you are exactly why everyone thinks dems have completely mushified brains.

  • A second Trump term would double down on erasing trans rights. Here’s how advocates are preparing.
  • How about you provide a link, that'll show that you don't just repeat random internet comments that confirm your bias without having any idea about what is going on in the world.

    Spoiler: You can't provide a link because he never said it. Turns out you really do just repeat garbage without evidence.

  • A second Trump term would double down on erasing trans rights. Here’s how advocates are preparing.
  • So we have one who has genocided, and one who hasn't. Your view is the one who hasn't ever genocided anyone will definitely genocide worse. I understand that this is too complex for you, maybe we can simplify it some. Bob punches your mom in the face, Sally has never punched your mom in the face. Who is more likely to punch your mom in the face, Bob or Sally? Right now your answering Sally and you are saying anyone who doesn't answer Sally is dumb. There is no reality where you are not the dumb one.

    You see a blue D and you say "yes master" and you completely turn off your brain. It is undeniable who is the dumb one here. You have nothing to stand on except for your imagined future that will suddenly contradict the past you've actually experienced. They have beat you to such a pulp that you are incapable of having an original thought or using any shred of logic.

  • A second Trump term would double down on erasing trans rights. Here’s how advocates are preparing.
  • Yeah, better to have a president that kills kids of all ages so long as they are brown and only exist on your screen, amiright? Racist POSs always try to pretend like other things are a bigger deal than massacring people with a slightly different skin color.

  • It's like the word has completely lost all meaning
  • C/sneerclub bans anyone who disagrees with the mods' opinions, so I'm responding here. That community is ridiculously over sensitive and scared of any conversation that they don't control.

    It seems like nobody has gotten around to changing your workflow yet for whatever your job is. It's on the way, though. For many people, their jobs have already tremendously been transformed, and things have just barely begun getting started.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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