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Sheltered Reddit liberals finding out in real time that they're not in a pro-west echo chamber is fucking hilarious.
  • I dont see Active sort for comments. Anyway, active is just whatever is getting the most activity right now good or bad

  • Comrades, I have a confession to make... (you could win big, read this to participate)
  • Hexbear is good, they seem to be convinced theres a difference between like twitter fake anarchists who dont support AES and take weird lib anti-bedtime positions and "real" anarchists who support AES and read theory.

    I'm not sure why you'd call yourself an anarchist if you support AES since that seems like it would fundamentally contradict what you're supposed to believe in, but hey they dont seem to have any problems with anarchists being anti-China or anything over there so who am I to judge

  • Comrades, I have a confession to make... (you could win big, read this to participate)
  • Its amusing to go from Hexbear where there was a discussion about how its rude to "wrecker-jacket" i.e. accuse people of being wreckers because it encourages bad-faith discussion when a post is genuine, to here where we have a fun game called "spot the alt account"

  • r/ukraine having another normal one
  • I know we're all joking about the US but can we talk about how alarming it is that the concept of an "uncivilized human" has just rocketed back out into the open? That people are just brazenly admitting to thinking like this?

  • My thoughts on the western online left after some days on Twitter 🤮
  • I think calling it a lost cause is way too pessimistic but its going to take a LOT more work than it will in other countries

  • What did you have for dinner today?

    I myself made some delicious BBQ pulled chicken sandwiches

    /r/enoughcommiespam now that GZD is banned
  • Because everyone knows that racism was solved when the US elected Obama

  • Abraman Abraman

    Become friends with someone, and they may allow you to take certain items from their home.

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