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What do people even mean when they call themselves transhumanists?

I know what transhumanism is, but people who are not, for example, academics in a related field calling themselves a transhumanist makes no sense to me. Like, as a transhumanist, what do you do?

Are these people just identity-hungry fans of a genre of sci-fi? Are they saying we shouldn't work to solve societal problems because technology will do it for us? Do they just watch a lot of youtube videos about it?

I constantly hear this talking point about this type of person but have never actually seen anyone say this
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  • Persona 6 design suggestions
    • Put some research into finding a way to not have 1/4 of the characters be pedophiles
    • Turn down the dating simmyness by about 70 %, let the other characters develop interpersonal relationships
    • Keep turning the "main character actually having character traits" dial, we can reach 10 % by 2050
    • Maybe two fewer Revolver Ocelot voice Mr. President scenes than in 5
    • Since we are doing social themes, how about "communism is good"?
    • Ska soundtrack
    Abstraction Abstraction [he/him]

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