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Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • Ive never heard that turn of phrase, pwease explain it to me?

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • Does that link talk about the explosions in the basement?

  • "To Pimp a Butterfly" album art
  • One of the first LPs I really listened to, you know I got that shit on vinyl now

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • yeah, I cam believe in some weird coincidences, heavy emphasis on SOME

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • 9/11 conspiracy stuff sucks

    Kinda hard to ignore all the insider trading tho

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11

    They recovered four, three of them AT the crash sites! How. The black boxes didn't even survive. !cat-confused

  • do liberals need us to correct them every time?

    Yes soviet-huff

  • AmErika!
  • Tbf, Erica is "eh", Erika is sexy af, get it girl!

  • AmErika!
  • Fuck a sweetheart, I'd fall for any lady stealing my ride

  • AmErika!

    I thought this tagline was funny cuz they say AmErika. Erika is a shitty German war song about your sweety. As far as war songs about your sweety go, Erika is both fascist and pales in comparison to Katyusha, the best sweety war song.

    what the fuck
  • But where's the lie?

  • US Campus conflict triggered by pro Israel faculty spy
  • Hold up, did Adams doxx this lady? Big if true, salute to Comrade Eric 07

  • You are not covering the genocide right.
  • Folks, I'm gonna say the word sus-soviet

  • Bruh
  • Helldivers is what I call my US Army, cuz they're all gonna dive head first into hell for the crimes they've committed deng-smile

  • British history makes more sense if you consider they were loaded 24/7

    Just drunk af on ale, beer, gin just whatever for the era. Glad my people left so they could get plastered and intermarry with Polish people in the land of the free !amerikkka

    WaPo + Der Stürmer = Der WaPo
  • Where was the constitutional right to take that land? Oh wait....

  • Mormons bought my gas station

    Cut hours, added a shit ton more food to make, switched paychecks from every week twice a month, generally fucked up my routine, and of course all with no pay raise. It's on sight !frog-no-pretext

    Which Side Are You On? REMIX - Rebel Diaz ft. Dead Prez and Rakaa Iriscience

    Really good hiphop remix of the old leftist folk song Which Side Are You On? What do you think the outro is?

    "Come all of you good workers, good news to you I'll tell. The rich folks.... send them straight to Hell."

    I can't make out the other words, but tbh this is enough.

    I ordered two new flags today


    Ordered the Soviet Victory flag for May Day and Victory Day and the PFLP flag cuz gang gang, respect to the PFLP. I can read Cyrillic, but can any Arabic speaking comrades translate the PFLP flag for me? I'm pretty sure it says "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine"

    Viet Minh???

    More like, Viet MEN! !uncle-ho-2

    "....the white man can't win another war fighting on the ground." -Malcolm X !malcolm-checks

    Fuck snitches

    So I'm complaining at work that my manager double ordered truck instead of teaching me how to put in the order, and she's taken two vacations, cuz she lives with her son and can afford to, and I'm stuck in this shithole while my fam is 6 hours away, literally all my nephews and nieces, sibs, etc.

    So then I get a call from my manager, WHO'S ON VACATION, telling me not to bad mouth her in front of customers. So either a customer or a coworker snitched on me for venting.

    Fuck this nazi ass country !amerikkka, people cant mind their own business.

    Cool bug fact !bug-facts the Third Reich !germany-cool relied on this shit, snitching, to get their victims, the gestapo had far less agents than say the GDR !GDR or the Soviets !soviet-huff, they just relied on informants. Is this relevant? Idk but I'm pissed, watch your words

    I hate all these white boys with nazi haircuts

    If you got the money to maintain these shitty hairstyles, save it for a while then move back to Dresden !germany-cool

    Eugene Krabs, Ween "She Wanted To Leave"

    Ok, this is basically indecipherable from the original

    Woke up this mornin decided to workshop another Irish folk parody for this Sunday

    I cant make up my mind if I wanna do "Going Home At Last, Men Behind the Wire, or The Man from the Daily Mail." !shrug-outta-hecks

    Does anyone have a good image of the Hexbear logo I can use for custom stickers?

    I just want to someone more savvy with tech and graphic design to make sure I get it right, I want to use it on like Amazon or somewhere to order some custom stickers for my PC and car window. I figure the only people who will recognize it are either comrades or sickos, but it'd be nice to fly the colors. Maybe I'll even make a custom tapestry, flag or shirt.

    I hate how everything must go so FAST

    I work in a gas station kitchen rn. Every job I've ever has had deadlines, but now things are really starting to click for me. I work with no one else, I have to cook food, restock food, prep for the next day, clean, document production, food waste, and temperatures, unload items that come on truck, order new food, and probably other things I'm forgetting. I also vape and work eight hours, so good luck getting all that done and finding time to eat something, have a smoke, and socialize with coworkers and customers. Somedays I get it all done when I'm in my routine, but good mf luck when something unexpected happens.

    I feel like I'm playing a fucked up video game like my life depends on it, which it does cuz I have to pay rent. If I clock out early cuz I'm tired or if I clock out on time but didnt get something done it fucks my poor coworkers and I feel bad. If I clock out late cuz I didnt get something done my boss chews me out for getting overtime pay... I only work 40 hours a week, I shouldn't feel this tired or stressed. I'd gladly take an extra hour or two a week, it would make me feel better and make me more money, but that's not an option and I hear from coworkers that our boss gets a bonus for keeping overtime down.

    I know there was a time in human history that we didn't have to be this stressed. I'm not an agrarian or hunter-gatherer utopian tho, I just despise how little control I have over how it makes me feel. And this urgency, it fucks with your head, it conditions you to do everything faster, Faster, FASTER. We've created a new kind of human, homo capitalus and this human is a slave to efficiency and productivity for the sake of the profits of those at the top.

    It feels like you don't even have time to dream, let alone realize those dreams into existence. It brings to mind the lyrics of the song Piazza Fontana by Yu Kung, which is about the mf YEARS OF LEAD.

    Perché la banca chiude gli sportelli Dio, come tutto vola così in fretta Risparmi e gente, tutto così in fretta

    I don't speak Italian, so maybe a good comrade could translate it better for us, but it roughly means:

    "You have to do everything quickly, the bank is closing soon. God, why does everything go so fast? People and their savings - all so fast!"

    Everytime I feel stressed at work, I think "God, why does everything go so fast?"

    The chorus of the song continues:

    bisogna piangere i sogni per capire che l'unica giustizia borghese si è spenta

    Dreams have to be mourned to understand That the last bourgeois justice is dead

    It's amazing to me how music bridges the gap in language and emotional understanding. How can a song in a language I don't speak make me cry? I know of course, because we are all human, we all have the same emotions in our hearts no matter when and where we are born. And I will never forget that anytime I meet someone different than me.

    The song ends on a hopeful note at least. The final verse concludes:

    ma non sentite il grido sulla barricata la classe operaia continua la sua lotta!

    But can't you hear the shout at the barricade? The working class continues its fight!

    Never surrender what is in your hearts comrades, what brought you to a place like this website. We will win. Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, no worries if you didn't have the time, everything goes so fast.

    Now I need to walk my little furry companion, he's been so patient and I love him.


    Oh, here's the link to Piazza Fontana, it's a beautiful song.
