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Gen Alpha will elect MrBeast president and there's nothing you can do to stop it
  • I would love to think that people wouldn’t just vote based on who they recognize most from TV but here we are

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Speaking as someone who lives in the US, the reason why people “prefer” it is because it’s embedded into the culture that public transportation is for poor people- temporarily embarrassed millionaires and all that. And the reason for that cultural programming is because auto manufacturers and airlines have consistently lobbied against any improvements to public transportation from the very beginning, and even had a hand in specifically designing cities to require cars. China has bullet trains that could get us safely and comfortably from one side of the country to the other in 4 hours. Most EU countries have safe, cheap, accessible public transportation that EVERYONE uses.

    At the end of the day, it’s just another capitalist ploy.

  • Conservatives meet a real country singer

    Dusty Joe Texas: ok so the first thing you should know is that I’m all about personal liberty and freedom, and having guns to defend those rights from a tyrannical government

    Conservatives: yes, love that, big fan

    Dusty Joe Texas: I love living in the country and having my old pickup truck

    Conservatives: 🥰

    Dusty Joe Texas: another thing that’s super important is strong unions, workers need to rise up and take power away from the wealthy and demand the rights and the compensation that is owed us, through violence if necessary, and it’s nearly always necessary

    Conservatives: wait

    Dusty Joe Texas: also if I see any capitalist pigs from the bank trying to take land or resources away from me or anyone else in my community I’m going to [redacted] their [redacted] and [redacted] until their [redacted] is [redacted]


    Dusty Joe Texas: also I think we should provide for the poor and all others in our communities who are unable to take care of themselves because that’s what Jesus said to do

    Conservatives: 💀

    "Like all blowups on Reddit, this one will pass as well." -Spez
  • Referring to his employees as “snoos” really fucking rubs me the wrong way

  • It do be like that
  • More like “why is no one excited about all the ads you’re about to start seeing”