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Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles
  • Ubisoft board doesn't understand how cutting costs and making the worst product possible filled with micro-transactions is bad for business. Utter shock.

  • I'm watching DS9 for (mostly) the first time, and I have to say...
  • They make it work which is what matters.

  • I'm watching DS9 for (mostly) the first time, and I have to say...
  • The problem with Keiko is that she just isn't on miles level so she comes off as self absorbed in the face of a genuine man who is literally out there saving the alpha and delta quadrant weekly.

    She's tolerable in TNG because she's more of a plot device for Miles but for DS9 they lean into the fact that she's a mother and a wife and I guess the point of her character was to show the dynamics of family life for non-officers for star fleet. there's no way Keiko should know whats going on - it's way over her head - she's just trying to live a normal life, but she has absolutely no deference for the fact that she's married to one of the most hard working and honourable people in the whole galaxy and that really just makes her a nag and annoying af.

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    All Proton Drive apps are now open source
  • GPL3 fwiw

  • What are your favorite leftist news sources?
  • Some More News

  • Weird visual glitch on KDE
  • Do you have a monitor with high refresh rate and like an overdrive mode to make it go higher? Overdrive mode kinda does this imo

  • Sad plant giving up on life - a call for help
  • I personally think guides under rate how much sun they need and can tolerate. Try your brightest window that receives only direct sun in the early morning or late evening.

    Oh and fertilizer. Just a Little does a lot. Sometimes repotting helps cuz it has a round of nutrients baked in but after the first month or so you should fertilize

  • Sad plant giving up on life - a call for help
  • If that baby has dry soil for more then one day it'll let you know. It'll also let you know if it doesn't have dry roots for exactly a day. They're so temperamental. I water mine literally the day after I go "that's dry" and it never fails.

  • Protestation
  • The GOAT - Canadians credit Tommy for bringing universal healthcare to canada. And starting the NDP

  • Beware of security risks!
  • It really just proves the point though. Hardware at time of production is a major security risk and any side needs to be aware and protect themselves.

  • Grand Theft Auto V gets BattlEye anti-cheat, breaks online play on Steam Deck / Linux
  • That's a good way to lose a lawsuit, end up giving all the money back plus interest and punitive amts, potential damages, etc. Smort.

  • Grand Theft Auto V gets BattlEye anti-cheat, breaks online play on Steam Deck / Linux
  • Rockstar doesn't officially support Linux though... So it's on valve that they certified it for steam deck. There's no grounds for charging that back to r*

  • Lantern Fly
  • These guys are late this year.... Seen like 5 adults up to today and then suddenly I saw 50±

  • Rod Serling memorial statue, Binghamton, NY.
  • I think it's more an existentialist response than an indictment of Binghamton:

    "Everybody has to have a hometown, Binghamton's mine. In the strangely brittle, terribly sensitive make-up of a human being, there is a need for a place to hang a hat or a kind of geographical womb to crawl back into, or maybe just a place that's familiar because that's where you grew up. When I dig back through memory cells, I get one particularly distinctive feeling—and that's one of warmth, comfort and well-being. For whatever else I may have had, or lost, or will find—I've still got a hometown. This, nobody's gonna take away from me." —Rod Serling

  • Please respond.
  • Maddox still around wow

  • I hate these people.
  • Why bother with a doctor at all then

  • Was it my imagination that most people believed in a 9/11 conspiracy?
  • Yeah it had something to do with it in that it was used as an excuse to invade iraq - not in that iraq had any legitimate ties to 9/11.

  • Republican AG Alberto Gonzales backs Harris, warns against Trump
  • Attorney General Alberto Gonzales endorsed Vice President Harris Thursday, citing in part the Supreme Court’s immunity decision in calling former President Trump “perhaps the most serious threat to the rule of law in a generation.”

    You mean since....YOU?....Alberto?

    Pot calling the kettle black.

  • Was it my imagination that most people believed in a 9/11 conspiracy?
  • Never known a real person to think it was an inside job, just internet yea same as the Maga crowd - or any other whackjob conspiracy like flat earth, big foot, vaccines cause autism...

    Central NJ - it's so close... so to me its no surprise ppl are speculating and then that transitions into conspiracy theories that are perceived as fact.

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