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Kerala is rolling out free broadband for its poorest citizens. What’s stopping your government?
  • Greed.

    The answer is always Greed.

    What profit is my government(Greek) going to have by doing this? Nothing, so obviously it's not gonna be done.

    If everything is because of profit, then nothing works.

  • Reddit is restoring deleted posts
  • GDPR applies to people in European Economic Area whose data is used by companies,

    I am in Greece. I am protected by GDPR.

  • Reddit is restoring deleted posts
  • I have already sent a GDPR request to Reddit and they refuse to comply.

    I asked them to delete everything they have about me, including my account and they told me that I need to login into reddit and ask it from there which:

    1. I don't have to since GDPR says that I can even do it verbally and I don't even have to write to a specific email, I can just let any employee of that company that I want this and they should honor it.
    2. They straight up don't even have the option to delete your data there, since I requested for the complete erasure of my data as that is also in my rights.

    Reddit literally refuses to comply with GDPR rules and tonight after work I am going to lodge a formal complain about GDPR violations as I do have proof of this in my emails.

    Fuck Reddit I hope it crashes and burns.

  • This comment right here
  • This comment is incorrect as well.

    The people that cared left and what's left behind is people that wouldn't leave anyway and the strike only bothers them.

    This person is living in a bubble and can't see further than their nose.

  • Κραυγή αγωνίας από εργαζόμενους της Εθνικής Τράπεζας Κραυγή αγωνίας από εργαζόμενους της Εθνικής Τράπεζας

    Προειδοποιούν για κινδύνους που διατρέχει η υγεία και η ασφάλειά τους, από τον τεράστιο όγκο δουλειάς και ανυπόμονους πελάτες, λόγω της αποψίλωσης του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού.

    Κραυγή αγωνίας από εργαζόμενους της Εθνικής Τράπεζας
    Notes from the Starfield showcase.

    I just typed out a few notes during the showcase so I will put them here for discussion.

    • There are over 1000 world. These are procedurally generated but have handcrafted content placed randomly on them.
    • Every you see exists and all planetary objects can be visited.
    • Illumination is changing based on the atmosphere and the sun type/proximity.
    • Animation system and combat system has been reworked from the ground up.
    • You can play in 1st or 3rd person.
    • Resources exist and are collectable
    • You can find enemy camps on planets and/or other random things/locations.
    • You can fast travel to your ship.
    • You can have companions that aid you on the ship or on ground.
    • Visual style for the tech was called by devs as Nasa-Punk as in advanced but worn
    • You can choose landing spots on a planet or fast travel to an existing one.
    • You jump drive to other systems and can upgrade drive for longer jumps.
    • New Atlantis is the biggest city Bethesda ever created. There are more cities:
    • Akila city: Western style. Looked like RDR2.
    • Cydonia city: Mining city built for resources.
    • Neon: Known as Pleasure city. Cyberpunk style.
    • There is a mythical group called Constellation. They are the last explorers of humanity and are looking for answers to long lasting humanity's questions. Your main story revolves around them I think.
    • Character creation is vastly improved and it's extensive. Mocap used for the making.
    • You choose one of 40 (employee) presets and then put more details from there.
    • You choose your background and skills. Chef was an example. Your skills affect interactions in the game.
    • You can have up to 3 traits and each has pros and cons.
    • You get 1 skill per level and you can rank up skills.
    • 5 skill trees with 4 ranks per skill. Jetpack, mind-control and Neurostrikes(heavy strikes) shown. Great build diversity.
    • They studied data from NASA to strike balance between realism and fun.
    • There is dogfighting in space
    • Ships are highly customizable and upgradable down to rearranging modules around.
    • Can hire crew members with different skills
    • Ship has a power allocation system(think of an Equalizer style thingie). You can reallocate power according to situation. Shields and weapons for combat or engine for escaping, etc.
    • There's a trait that lets you target specific subsystems on an enemy ship.
    • You can destroy ships and loot them or board them and capture them for your fleet.
    • You can commit piracy on friendly ships.
    • You can build a outpost and produce resources from animals.
    • You can build outposts, assign companions to them and keep producing resources. You can decorate outposts and live there.
    • Guns are highly customizable down to type of ammo. Melee weapons exist. Miniguns shown.
    • Gravity changes with each planet.
    • Firing in 0g can push you back.
    • Photo mode exists.

    Please feel free to add any details I missed.

    edit: Here is the full showcase(45 minutes) for people who want to watch it.

    does allow criticism of CCP?
  • Yeah. This is kinda gaslighting:

    We’ve also seen a rise in anti-China posts that have hit Reddit lately, and along with that comes anti-chinese racism,

    No. Anti-china posts are not racist. We all hate Hitler Germany. Does that mean we are racist against Germans?

    This sentence is fundamentaly flawed and shouldn't exist in the documentation.

  • With a sprinkle of suspiciously similar variable names here, there, and everywhere
  • As I've been using mods for Tears of the Kingdom game there were 2 versions of the DS4 UI prompts mod.

    The first one almost never worked and was slowly getting updated so another dude just remade a new one and made it better and for all layouts.

    The dude that created the first mod then started sending cringe messages to the new modder about how they look awfully similar and why did he choose to do that.

    Dude, you made a mod that changes the letter A icon to the letter O icon. What creative freedom do you think there is to make a unique mod?

  • Καλως ήρθατε στο /c/greece | Welcome to /c/greece

    Μιας και δεν υπάρχει κάποια ενεργή κοινότητα σχετικά με την Ελλάδα και τα νέα περι αυτής στο fediverse, είπα να κάνω την αρχή.

    Ευπρόσδεκτο όλων των ειδών το περιεχόμενο αρκεί να τηρεί του κανόνες του Instance και του Community.


    Πρώτη μέρα στο /c/greece

    Για όποιον τύχει και δεί το παρόν post ας γράψει τι σκέφτεται, πως του φαίνεται η πλατφόρμα και οτι άλλο θέλει, μιας και φαίνεται να γίνετια μαζική έξοδος απο το reddit και θα μπορούσε να υπάρχει εδώ, στο fediverse ένα εναλλακτικό community για τους Έλληνες.

    Alkalyon Alkalyon
    Posts 5
    Comments 7