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The U.S. Department of Energy will award up to $100 million for projects that remove CO2 from the atmosphere
  • You mean we should just cut emissions and not try to remove CO2? Or am I missing something in the article?

    I don't think we can do enough off that list to make enough difference. And we're already hitting positive feedback cycles so we need some way to remove CO2. I doubt either of those things will happen, but theoretically we need both now.

  • Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV
  • No the other way around. Smoking hits you very fast, almost instantly because it's very fine particles that pass into the bloodstream. Vaping is much slower because it's vaporized droplets that get absorbed slowly through mucus membrane, and it's less effective (like 50% effective after 30 min vs. 100% after 5 min). Nicotine salt e-liquid "improves" that a bit to hit faster, to help people stop smoking. You can find articles and papers on this.

  • The audience Trevor Noah cultivated is pissed Jon Stewart didn't suck off Biden
  • I'd say that is a false analogy, but Goebbels. Because he doesn't have Trump's "je ne sais quoi". Trump is a type of idiot savant.

    But for the record, the only morally correct solution to the trolley problem is to murder the experimenter. And if you don't have that option, you refuse to participate. But this isn't about 1 vs 5 lives, this is about much worse. And Biden and Trump are are not the same.

  • The audience Trevor Noah cultivated is pissed Jon Stewart didn't suck off Biden
  • How did I say so? I said Biden isn't Hindenburg because... their constitutional roles are different. Reichspräsident is a completely different institution meant to provide representation and democratic checks. So the better (but still bad) analogy would be what the US supreme court is doing.

    Honestly the better analogy for this discussion would be this Hindenburg. Image

    So the answer is that Trump / Hitler should have been defeated at the ballot box and not have gotten the majority of the votes. Because you can't trust democratic institutions to do it for you. And that's not excusing Hindenburg either.

    People back then did not understand the depth of the horrors fascism was capable of. If you think Biden is as bad as Trump and MAGA then you're the bourgeoisie Hindenburg.

    But those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  • France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe
  • I really prefer the Israeli and the USA disinformation campaigns /s

    Fucking neoliberals... decades of neoliberal economic policy, imperialism and media conglomeration allowed this fertile ground in the first place.

  • The audience Trevor Noah cultivated is pissed Jon Stewart didn't suck off Biden
  • I didn't bring it up, you brought it up - and made an incorrect claim. I used this history as an example of how democratic institutions do NOT protect you from fascism. Which makes your vote more important not less.

    Just because your choice is between bullshit and dogshit and it might not make a difference, doesn't meant there is no difference. Dogshit is far worse.

  • The audience Trevor Noah cultivated is pissed Jon Stewart didn't suck off Biden
  • It gets worse once you find out that the Dems are some of the biggest donners to the far right congresional canidates, because they think they are easier to beat.

    Interesting, I wasn't aware of this. It seems to be purely a political strategy that apparently paid off. But also seems incredibly dangerous.

    The best strategy seems to be to delay. Trump is unlikely to make it to 2028 as a viable force. Hopefully some of the senile democrats will be gone too. If everything is going downhill it's not a bad idea to slow down.

  • Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV
  • Yeah basically the problem is the apps because mobile browser / mobile websites are less usable than desktop browser. I use NewPipe / PipePipe for youtube on android, hopefully it'll keep working. Right now I don't have any ads on android. But I'm only using very few apps. Thankfully the android ecosystem seems to be improving.

  • The audience Trevor Noah cultivated is pissed Jon Stewart didn't suck off Biden
  • Shane Burley says it better than I did :

    A Third Way
    Over the last two decades, the contemporary left has often confused the definition of fascism, especially in discussions about the increasingly authoritarian nature of institutions propping up neoliberal capitalism. While it would be wrong to say that fascism, as a general rule, is purely anti-capitalist, it does implicitly critique capitalism as a free-market system. Capitalism may rely on the latent bigotry and social inequality in a society, but it also disrespects national boundaries, tribal allegiances, and non-economic hierarchies. What this means is that, while the left critiques capitalism for its inability to deliver broad equality, the far-right critiques it for not being explicitly racialized and unequal enough. Capitalism benefits merchants who broaden their customer base rather than privileging a specific group, and increasingly globalized trade breaks down national boundaries and benefits an international ruling class. Neoliberalism steamrolls regional diversity and cultural differences in the same way that it destroys individuality and personal expression, as a monster that goes after what makes us human.

    Fascism is an attempt to answer the unfinished equation of capitalism, and, instead of challenging the inequalities manifested through this economic system, it hardens them.

    This matters in terms of political (or revolutionary) strategy. We are in a three way fight between neoliberal capitalism, fascism and socialism. The question then is what can be done to pit those two against each other and not cooperate against socialism.

    As capitalism leads to globalization and worse and worse material conditions, fascism is a narrative that still works to maintain concentration of economic power. It promises (and lies) to make shit great again. And while those concentrations of economic power fundamentally don't care about ideology, many people in positions of power do find the aesthetics of fascism unappealing on an aesthetic level. That can be tapped into.

    Even just from a strategic perspective: Divide and conquer.

    So the critique of Jon Steward of this farce is absolutely important but just as important is the prevention of the worst case outcome. Even if you believe that fascism is the inevitable outcome sooner or later, personally I believe later is better because it allows more groups of people time to prepare.

  • 28-ton, 1.2-megawatt tidal kite is now exporting power to the grid
  • Wow this is awesome. "land-based wind energy kites" are awesome too but this is very predictable. Although at what time of the day this would generate power would cycle with the moon so could be quite inconvenient too. But it would need a smaller battery to buffer since it's regular.

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