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Beware of this game
  • But how else would you know that the devs behind this are shitty?

  • Beware of this game
  • EWW, EWW, Series 🤢 🤢🤢

  • German far-right met to plan 'mass deportations'
  • wtf is european values even

    + europeans finally found an outlet to express their inner nazi without getting "screamed at", rightfully so

  • German far-right met to plan 'mass deportations'
  • reich-wingers to people who support them, but the reich-wingers don't like: "awww, don't worry, we'd never think about forcing you out even if you legally became a citizen of this country"


  • Resident Evil is being review bombed on Steam after allegations Capcom added new DRM
  • most of the time, mods will be what keeps the old game from just dying from the face off the earth after a while, so good luck keeping any of your already-made games relevant after this, crapcom 🖕

  • Mandatory reading for all Lemmygrad users
  • >tfw the oppo doesn't own an oppo
    >day ruined


  • Mandatory reading for all Lemmygrad users
  • Merry Birthmas ^^

    I will celebrate it by buying an Oppo (maybe)

  • NSFW
    So this is a thing I guess (CW: A slur but I censored it)
  • i still find it funny that a fash game is following regional pricing 💀 💀

    like, i expected them to force non-white-majority countries to pay up more

  • The Patient Gamer
  • Just pirate it and save yourself some time

    What if the game I want is touched by Denuvo and there's no one to crack Denuvo around? (Since Empress went radio silent, and she's the only one known to crack Denuvo right now)

    Also getting games on sales = being a socially acceptable leech??? lmao

  • never skipping cutscene again (2)
  • personally yakuza 4-6 felt like filler to me, kiryu had a wonderful conclusion in yakuza 3; but decided to still keep dragging him back on for no reason

    yakuza 4-6 should've been akiyama and saejima's games tbh, especially after rggs noticed how popular akiyama and saejima are too

    besides, wasn't yakuza 5 infamous for its random encounter rates? like you walk two steps and bam, you gotta fight now.

    edit: oh and i also forgot the part about turning haruka into a generic woman compared to the badass kid that she was back in yakuzas 1-2, maybe a little in yakuza 3 too. absolute character assassination

  • Weird how ISIS always just comes out of nowhere and attacks US adversaries
  • there's a reason why the ISIL was sometimes called Israeli State Intelligence Service, back when it still appropriated the name of a certain Egyptian Goddess.

  • What's your favorite genre of music?

    Post made in response to this other post, where I've mistakenly commented the music genres I liked, thinking the thread was about musical genres you like; as opposed to what it actually was about.

    So yeah, sorry about that lmfao. I was sleepy to notice at the time.

    (In case people still want to know the musical genres I like: I primarily love revolutionary/socialist music, DPRK-Pop and metal music. Occasionally however I like some video game/anime soundtrack)

    Woosh :star:

    cross-posted from:

    > Girls Last Tour, in case anyone was wondering. > > Good show, watch it.

    China's sustained afforestation efforts green the world China's sustained afforestation efforts green the world

    Spring is the season for new life. In China, the peak time for spring plowing and sowing is around the Qingming Festival, which fell on Wednesday this year, when people from all walks of life go out and plant trees to make the land greener.

    China's sustained afforestation efforts green the world
    What a cool gun... shame it had to be manufactured under Fascist times 😔

    If I want a pistol, I want it to be a Luger; or at the very least, look/operate like one. So much cool looking than your typical glocks. But alas. 😔

    Had some milquetoast liberal online say "we can't ban gambling because that'd take away many people's way of earning money!"

    Listen, dumbass, the only person "earning money" in gambling is the house. 9 out of 10 times, the house always wins. They just let you win every once in a while to influence you into spending more and more money.

    Also boo fucking hoo casino companies won't be able to "earn money" by indirectly robbing and exploiting them anymore. Won't anyone think of the casino companies? 😭😭😭

    I just kept my mouth shut because I was the only commie in a server full of libs (they're also very pro-ukrainian) and it was a server about a game, so politics aren't the main focus; but this got brought up.

    Like in total lib fashion, they just went with "we should just regulate/control it".

    Also, funny thing is, one of the libs tried to use the "B-but there are some people who wanna gamble with their friends privately! You can't report them!" like it's some kind of gotcha. Like, okay? Keep it in yourselves? Just don't regret or blame anyone but yourself if the friendship ends because you lost a lot of money and they aren't willing to be cooperative.

    Shame I couldn't wreck some libs without worrying about getting banned for "hostility" or whatever.

    Why Leftists Can't Enjoy Anything

    I really loved Yugopnik's parting words in the video: "While ignorance might be bliss, bliss doesn't get anything done". I'll remember to use it the next time someone tells me, or if I hear someone say "Ignorance is Bliss". I used to be friends with someone that kept reiterating this nonsensical, centrist quote.

    I was going to put another quote about Ignorance not being bliss here... but then I noticed he's an "entrepreneur", a motivational speaker. 🤢🤢🤢

    As always, vids from the deprogram trio continue to make me intrigued and open my eyes on things. Makes me feel like I've learned new things. Like Hakim's recent video about the fall of USSR. I always wondered why it really happened, as libs would usually say it's because "socialism doesn't work el oh el".

    Who do you think will be the next (Sixth) AES Country?

    This is a question I've been meaning to ask for a very long time.


    • Syria (ruled by Assad of the Ba'athist party, which seems to be a form of Arab Socialism)
    • Nicaragua (ruled by a Socialist party, surprised they haven't went the China route already... but then again they're within the close proximity of Usonia, so I guess it makes sense)
    • Nepal (So many Communist Parties + Already ruled by one, it would be a huge shame if it doesn't turn Socialist or go that route)

    There are likely other countries too that has the potential to turn Socialist/Leftist, like Peru; but I don't know much about them so I didn't put them in there. Sorry about that. But anyway, which country do you think will be the next/Sixth AES country?

    I believe that a Zombie Apocalypse has already happened.

    Warning: Long Post Ahead.

    Only, it happened in the Western World/Global North; and the Zombie Apocalypse wasn't anything portrayed in the media.

    Why do I say this? Well:

    • Most Global Northerners STILL make Soviet/Communist references whenever Russia is brought up; despite the fact that the USSR was forcibly put out of existence against the will of the people. In addition, Modern Russia is NOTHING like the good 'ol Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
    • Seriously, try looking up videos (or any media for the matter) about Russia in YouTube and tell me if you could find ONE MAJOR VIDEO ABOUT RUSSIA without Soviet/Communist references. Even on Odysee (I only go there for RT, fuck that reactionary hellhole) of all sites, there was a HammSick and USSR written on the thumbnail of the remix of the Russian Anthem. ---
    • Despite the Government of China's preference to be called "CPC/Communist Party of China", most people, even the so-called "A"politicals say CCP instead. And these type of people then go on and scorn anyone that call the Government of China by its preferred name (CPC). ---
    • People still go on regurgitating the same old crap about the Tiannmen Square Massacre and the Tank Man picture despite the release of the full footage surrounding Tank Man in question. ---
    • Because of a well-spreaded lie about Chairman Xi banning Winnie the Pooh in China over memes comparing him to Winnie. And thus started an endless supply of Chairman Xi being molded with the Pooh Bear. It honestly just feels like a racist caricature at this point. A modern day minstrelism, if you ask me. ---
    • There was a time when most people on the internet denounced HISSrael. Now? People have to ask when or if it's okay to criticize or be against HISSrael, because "If you're Anti-Zionist/criticize or denounce the Apartheidist State of HISSrael in any way shape or form, you're an Anti-Semite!". And people just buys this shit, no questions asked. ---
    • People just believe - without question - bile spreaded around as "factual news" about China and the DPRK. And now Russia as well.
    • Exhibit A: Western Media spreaded outrageous lies about the SMO, claiming Russian Military SA'd Ukrainian Women and that Russia was making a special form of Viagra just so the Russian Army could keep SA-ing Ukrainian Women. I don't like Russia for its constant, unnecessary dunkings on LGBT+ people; but even then I think this type of smearing was uncalled for.
    • Even where I live, people outright believe Western-baked lies about the DPRK and the so-called Uyghur "Genocide"; and then turn around, hue, scream and cry about "WESTERN CULTURE IS INVADING THIS COUNTRY!!!" whenever as much as the concept of LGBT+ is even slightly mentioned, or whenever Women ask for more rights or wear and do as they so please. (Even my peers bashed people calling for women to be able to wear as they please without being harassed, what the fuck!?!!) ---
    • Before 2022, barely anyone heard about Ukraine and those that did bashed it for being a corrupt, pedophilic hellhole. Now? All of a sudden everyone and their mother are showering Ukraine, especially Elenskyy with so, SO MUCH undeserved love; acting as if he's Jesus 2. In reality, Elenskyy's the world's most spoiled child I've ever seen in my whole life, my god. He's already eating up everything the US offers (which is enough to solve its own Domestic Issues BTW!) and yet it's still "not enough" for him.

    So, yeah. These are why I've been thinking for a while now if a Zombie Apocalypse has happened right under our noses; because OH MY GOD HOW CAN PEOPLE BE THIS OUTRAGEOUSLY STUPID?! I honestly feel tempted to call the average Liberal a Zombie these days.

    EDIT: And if you're wondering, "well if they're zombies, then what do they eat? surely not brains as they're still humans like us, right?" Answer: Anything the Mainstream Media or the Demonocrats (Government Body of the USA - including the CIA and Feds, not just the Democrats) says. No. Questions. Asked. Just like your typical zombies who will eat any brain they find, without wondering if it's a "good-quality brain".

    I'm posting this in c/GenZedong instead of - I guess, c/MentalHealth or c/Comradeship because, although I'm kind of pissed from being surrounded by reactionaries and hearing liberal lies all the time, the post involves less personal problems and more political issues.

    Also, was there ever a venting community in Lemmygrad? Or was it just c/MentalHealth all this time?

    Do you Linuxify all of your PCs?

    Or do you keep a few Windows/Mac PCs lying around?

    You know, just in case you need to run an app/game that only works perfectly on Windows/Mac and WINE/Proton wouldn't run it?

    Been thinking of Linuxifying my Laptop eversince I enjoyed Linux after defecting to it (from Windows) in my main PC (a Desktop).

    Alunyanners alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️

    she/her | global southerner | ml + 3rd worldist | goth girl

    socialism with shitposting characteristics 🫡🫡

    blähaj be the greatest - death to amerikkka - death to isn'trael - cursed be transphobes - victory to palestine

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