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Western media is manufacturing consent again...
  • They're from shitjustworks, the threads is just a meme

  • Nieuw extreemrechts kabinet doet extreemrechtse miljardenbezuinigingen. Burger wordt armer. Burger doet niets.
  • Kan iemand het artikel in de comments posten? Ik krijg een betaalmuur

  • Rules for Fae
  • This seems accurate

  • Math
  • Cursive big f: "integration", which can be interpreted in two ways. One is "area under the curve" for some part of the curve. Other is "average value of a part of the curve multiplied by the size of that part of the curve". Curve being the function, the graph, f(x), however you wanna call it.

    Normal d: "differentiation" (from difference), infinitely small change. Usually used in ratios: df/dx means how much does f(x) change relative to x when you change x a little bit.

    Cursive d: "partial", same as normal d but used when working with higher dimensional data like 3D. Can also mean "boundary" of something. Example: boundary of a volume in 3D, like wrapping paper around a box. Or, boundary of such wrapping paper itself, if it's not perfectly connecting.

    Omega: just a Greek letter used as a variable, in this case there's a history of it being used as a sort of "density" variable in the field of differential geometry. The college row in the meme is kind of translating the high school row from a function to a 3D volume.

  • Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important
  • Companies could take and steal as much as they want from smaller artists in that case

  • Today's date is Dozen/Half Dozen/Two Dozen
  • December 6th is still coming

  • Long Cow is coming
  • Neural networks aren't going anywhere because they can be genuinely useful, just not to solve every problem

  • Long Cow is coming
  • That's specifically LLMs. Image recognition like OP has nothing to do with language processing. Then there's generative AI which needs some kind of mapping between prompts and weights, but is also a completely different type of "AI"

    That doesn't mean any of these "AI" products can think, but don't conflate LLMs and AI as being the same

  • Compliments
  • extremely relatable

  • It's your amigo, Ralph!
  • if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it

  • Black Ops 6 - Gameplay Reveal Trailer
  • "Gameplay"

  • Anon discovers .NET
  • pervasive unchecked nullability

    Addressed nowadays with the question mark and exclamation mark syntax, and programming without nullability is a pain

    Framework management is hell, fat binaries inconvenient and not default


    Compiler output only marginally better than working with c++

    No one claims it's faster at runtime than good C++, it's just a lot easier to write decent code

  • Deleted
    /fit/izen fights the afterlife
  • Do it

  • Photoshop Terms of Service grants Adobe access to user projects for ‘content moderation’ and other purposes
  • Link? I just find graphite dev which is not related to drawing

  • Spotify has raised prices for the second time in a year, with no new benefits, after its CEO sparked outrage by claiming the cost of creating 'content' is 'close to zero'
  • If you must use Spotify, use ZSpotify with DOWNLOAD_REAL_TIME and hope you don't get banned. Alternatively, use it with a burner account.

    I prefer Deezer and pay for Deezer HiFi. Deemix still works to rip FLACs from there.

  • He has returned to us, after all these years.
  • For a second I thought this was loss

  • Patch 13.14 Notes Patch 13.14 notes

    Put up your dukes. Patch 13.14 is a knockout!

    Patch 13.14 notes

    Why is the only Jax nerf an E CD increase and a useless mana cost change 😭

    Electronic Dance Music (Updated July 2023) ඞmir
    Puppet & if found - The Answer Is Nowhere (2023) [Rock]

    Iconic Puppet vocals, with a mix of if found's colour bass sound signature.

    Patch 13.13 Notes
    Patch 13.13 Notes

    Late due to a hectic week. I should automate a bot to post articles from the site.

    Au5 - Serenata feat. Keeley [EDM] (2015)

    cross-posted from:

    > My #1 favourite song of all time.

    Electronic Dance Music (Updated July 2023) ඞmir
    Au5 - Serenata feat. Keeley (2015)

    My #1 favourite song of all time.

    [META] Federation from ! seems broken

    Every other instance still sees the Week 2 Day 3 post as pinned, and cannot find the "Introduction" thread even when I directly search for it.

    I manually appointed an alt on to at least fix the pins, but I'm not going to do that for 500+ instances.

    Any admins have any ideas what's going on, or how I can "force" an outgoing federation update?




    Shine On (Brain Tan ft. Abigail Osborn)

    Riot quietly released this banger a week ago. As a big Future Bass fan I love this song.

    This is the only app where scrolling feels great

    Thanks for that, I'm gonna be testing your updates from now on ;)

    How should we handle esports?

    The subreddit has weeks where all non-esports news is drowned out by dozens of threads discussing individual matches.

    I know from discussions that there are also many Redditors who hate anything esports related and would prefer a cleaner subreddit, and I'll assume that can be extrapolated to Lemmy.

    What should be a good compromise? Is a weekly pinned esports megathread useful? Do you prefer to have all the match discussion posts so there is at least some activity?

    I don't think Lemmy supports polls yet, so let me know in the comments what you think.

    Toplane Champion & ADC Item Changes on PBE

    Volibear changes:

    • P damage AP ratio increased from 40% to 50%
    • W damage health ratio reduced from 6% bonus HP to 5%
    • W heal health ratio increased from 8% - 16% missing HP to 8% - 20%

    Tahm Kench changes:

    • P base damage reduced from 8 - 60 to 6 - 15
    • P health ratio increased from 3% bonus HP to 6%
    • Q base damage reduced from 80 - 280 to 80 - 260
    • Q base heal reduced from 10 - 30 to 5 - 25
    • Q heal ratio increased from 5% - 7% missing HP to 6% - 8%

    Sion nerfs:

    • Q min base damage reduced from 40 - 120 to 35 - 115
    • Q max base damage reduced from 90 - 350 to 85 - 325
    • W base shield reduced from 60 - 160 to 60 - 140

    Shen changes:

    • P base shield reduced from 50 - 101 to 50 flat
    • P shield health increased from 12% bonus HP to 14%

    Sett changes:

    • Second punch base damage reduced from 5 - 90 to 5 - 56
    • Second punch bonus AD ratio increased from 55% to 70%
    • R base damage reduced from 200 - 400 to 175 to 325
    • R bonus AD ratio increased from 120% to 180%

    Ornn changes:

    • Q base damage reduced from 20 - 120 to 10 - 110
    • E base damage reduced from 80 - 260 to 70 - 230
    • E bonus resistance ratios increased from 40% to 45%

    Mordekaiser changes:

    • Q base damage per level reduced from 5 - 139 to 3 - 90
    • Q AP ratio increased from 60% to 75%

    Malphite changes:

    • Q base damage reduced from 70 - 270 to 65 to 245
    • Q AP ratio increased from 60% to 75%
    • Q MS steal increased from 15% - 35% to 20% - 40%

    Cho'Gath changes:

    • E AP ratio increased from 30% to 40%
    • R base damage reduced from 300 - 650 to 300 - 600
    • R AP ratio increased from 50% to 60%

    Camille buffs

    • W base damage increased from 70 - 190 to 70 - 210
    • W bonus AD ratio increased from 60% to 75%

    Aatrox changes:

    • Q1 base damage reduced from 10 - 90 to 5 - 85
    • Q1 AD ratio increased from 60% - 80% to 65% - 85%
    • Q minion damage increased from 55% flat to 55% - 70%

    Stormrazor changes:

    • Base damage increased from 15 to 120 - 180
    • AD and AP ratios removed

    Essence Reaver changes:

    • Base AD ratio increased from 100% to 130%
    • Bonus AD ratio reduced from 40% to 25%

    Ghost nerf:

    • Cooldown increased from 210 seconds to 240