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Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale
  • So glad I have a computer I can play games on so I don't have to mess around with a smaller computer with a smaller screen and worse performance.

    Edit: I pissed off the dad caucus with this comment. Steam decks are only for dads who can't get more than thirty minutes of game time anymore and have no space for a legit gaming PC.

  • [long] Some tests of how much AI "understands" what it says (spoiler: very little)
  • I think a lot of these issues stem from LLMs not having actual symbolic reasoning. They only do association. We humans do a lot of thinking via association, but some tasks require symbol manipulation in discrete stages. The clearest case of this is giving chatgpt predicate calculus problems. It can't solve them reliably at all and if you ask it to explain its reasoning in a step by step manner it will shit its pants and hallucinate answers. IMO once we figure out symbolic representation, we'll have real AI.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • No one could watch the videos and come away with this take you've constructed. He obviously is retreating in both videos. And carrying a gun in the open is not a provocation to violence. Not is it illegal in Wisconsin.

    I hope that, rather than knee-jerk down vote, people will go watch both videos. We can do better than shitheads on the Donald.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • Let me preface this with: Rittenhouse is a shithead and his politics are shit. But: have you watched the videos? If you've got a gun and someone tries to grapple with you, that is now a life or death situation. If you let them take your gun, you could very well be dead. It's not a surprise that the jury acquitted him. Both shootings were demonstrably self-defense. I'm sick of us lefties falling for the same type of knee-jerk propagandistic nonsense the right always falls for.

  • Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months
  • Yeah, the reason for owning guns isn't to protect against the government's tyranny, it's to help half the country's military fight the other half of the country's military in some (hopefully still theoretical) civil war.

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • Yeah dude the grind to try and get a tenure track job is soul-crushing. I put out over 1000 applications over the course of four years. I had about 15 interviews, 2 second round interviews, and at the end, no job. I can get adjunct work fairly easily, but it comes with no health insurance or stability, and it's paid pretty badly. The adjunctification of higher ed has meant that a lot of otherwise good people have no future in academia, me being one of them. It sucks because I worked for fifteen years studying, teaching, and publishing on very some absolutely esoteric shit, and ended up with less job security and benefits than a Walmart employee. It took a lot of therapy, because this is the one thing I wanted to do with my life. But I know now that it's time to move on, and that I can do good somewhere else if I get the right skills.

  • More than 300 Egyptians die from heat during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, diplomats say
  • Muslims do not generally believe in cultural or moral relativism. Allah is the one true God, his moral teachings are objectively correct. Why offer them a way out that they themselves aren't able to coherently accept?

    Besides, cultural relativism is nonsense. If someone tells me it's okay to molest children, their perspective is not "just as valid" as mine. They're a monster.

    Yes, this means a lot of people in the past, and today, are monsters. That's extremely plausible.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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