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US says Hamas must release hostages to get more aid
  • It's just like the POW/MIA shit the US pulled to stay in the Vietnam war. Sadly, it works.

  • Hasan is worse than a neo Nazi because he said landlords should be killed and capitalists should be re-educated
  • IIRC Hasan singeled out landlords who deliberatly leave their homes empty (while homeless die in the streets) to increase their profits in this clip. Not just regular landlords, but the extra murderous sort. I posted this just to further lower your opinion of reddit-logo

  • You can't say you weren't warned, and hearing impairment is no excuse.
  • Lmao, this nerd thinks we are an airport hahaha

  • #FFFFFF-y crying about no mayo
  • Critical support for covid covid-cool

  • What Sort of Villain Subordinate Would You Be?
  • The perpetually annoyed kind of guy that is inexplicably still trusted and getting sent to do things despite clearly not caring about the mission at all.

  • What are some pieces of media where they're clearly trying really hard to avoid saying capitalism is the problem?
  • Jurassic Park. The bad shit is always either caused by profiteering or just clear cost-cutting, and the desire to make more money just always lets everything go to shit.

    And yet the movie(s) tries to cut the entire message down to "People shouldn't play God" again and again. As if the research itself was the problem. The series also works hard to rehabilitate the greedy fuck billionaire that caused the shit to go down in the first place iirc.

    I'm working on a few years old knowlege here though, I might be a bit off.

  • So Games Workshop just published a "40k is satire, nazis pls leave" statement. What do you nerds think?
  • What could work is to push a sessesion narative over this, to make the Nazis split from the main fandom and then fade to irrelevance. Like, seed the idea that this is going wrong and that they need their own even more fascist version that hardly nyon with a brain would support. Could keep em distracted though