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Have you ever clicked on an ad *on purpose?*
  • Depends on what you classify as an ad.

    Ive started watching the series Long Way Round, which is essentially an ad for BMW.

    I click on steam sale ads for video games.

    When local stores have sales, they have ads for those sales on their websites which I click on from time to time - recently I was shopping for a soundbar and a local store was having a sale on soundbars so I clicked that ad on their website.

    When ads aren't too intrusive, and they're relevant, and they're not peddling garbage I don't have too much of a problem with them

  • Spotify is going to break every Car Thing gadget it ever sold
  • the full screen ads for irrelevent (to you) music is one of my biggest gripes. Spotify i've never listened to a Taylor Swift song in my life, i don't give a shit if she has a new album and you know that!

  • Giant utes and SUVs are taking over Australia's roads - and that’s a problem
  • As an Australian, A ute isn't exactly a pickup, although we don't use the term pickup so not exactly sure, it's like a sedan with a bed/tray. My understanding is a pickup is higher off the ground than a traditional sedan.

    Think of an El Camino - that's a ute

  • Reddit power users balk at chance to participate in IPO as Wall Street debut nears
  • Totally in the same boat. Less diversity and less content, but I don't mind that. I like that I can can run out of content and it's a nice reminder I've probably been on my phone too much and should do something else with my time. Using Lemmy feels healthier than using Reddit.

  • Removed
    What musical instrument that you don't know how to play would you like to learn to play?
  • The barrier to entry is lower than you think. Plenty of good free DAWs out there. I use reaper which has an unlimited free trial.

    Download some plugins and you're off to the races. I'd encourage you to jump in and give it a go

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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