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Big Food lies to you
  • Ooh neat. Idk much about it. I’m currently on an iPhone (regret). Yuka is pretty cool in that their pro plan is pay what you will, I will mention, though.

  • Big Food lies to you
  • I know this is a joke but I highly recommend the app Yuka. You use it to scan food and beauty products and it shows you if they’re toxic. You’ll be astonished at how much is.

  • Both beliefs are fine, but please realize the hypocrisy
  • Damn theists really are fucking morons, huh?

  • Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back
  • I mean you’re talking about crucifying your political opponents, chud

  • Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden, and whether they’d come back
  • He’d be younger, at least, as it would almost certainly be Newsom.

  • Casualties Rise in Gaza: 70% of Killed Women and Children
  • I think Israel themselves said that casualties were 61% civilian, and they count any male of “fighting age” as Hamas, so 70 sounds about right

  • Watch out Jack!
  • The house doesn’t have a role in the process, just the president and the senate.

  • I didn't choose the ortho life. The ortho life chose me.
  • I’m so excited for my new Killer Whale but my girlfriend won’t let me use it until Christmas.

  • Watch out Jack!
  • You know he can pack the courts if he really cared, right? Y’all think the lifetime catholic who is against abortion is really on your side for this one?

  • Joe Biden on Benjamin Netanyahu's Gaza war: ‘Israel starting to lose support’
  • That’s not even what political zionism much less Zionism means.

  • Joe Biden on Benjamin Netanyahu's Gaza war: ‘Israel starting to lose support’
  • This dude is so fucking two faced. Pledges undying support as a Zionist one day, then says this the next. Fucking genocidal asshole trying to play both sides.

  • What do you think of Just Stop Oil?
  • If people stopped eating meat and we turned the massive amount of land we waste raising animals to slaughter into carbon sinks it absolutely would be enough. But go on justifying your addiction that’s literally killing the planet. I’m sure your grandchildren would agree.

  • VPNs don’t hide from governments I don’t think?

  • What do you think of Just Stop Oil?
  • Yes it will.

    A study mentioned on Our World in Data suggests that if the entire world adopted a vegan diet, our total agricultural land use could shrink dramatically, from 4.1 billion hectares to 1 billion hectares, a reduction of 75% . This reduction is significant because agriculture, particularly livestock farming, is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

    Further, a research team, including scientists from Leiden University, found that if high-income countries switched to a plant-based diet, almost 100 billion tons of CO2 could be pulled out of the atmosphere by the end of the century. This switch would reduce annual agricultural production emissions by 61%, and converting former cropland and pastures to their natural state could remove another 98.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by the end of the century .

    Additionally, a study by scientists from Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley, found that phasing out animal agriculture over the next 15 years would have the same effect as a 68% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions through 2100. This would contribute 52% of the net emission reductions necessary to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. The phase-out of animal agriculture could create a 30-year pause in net greenhouse gas emissions and offset almost 70% of the heating effect of those emissions through the end of the century .

  • What do you think of Just Stop Oil?
  • If everybody would just stop eating fucking meat we wouldn’t be having this problem. Your addiction is killing the planet.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Especially with the way these companies positioned themselves. Google and Apple were the anti-Microsoft. Google even had the motto don’t be evil. Facebook was started by one of us! A hacker nerd dropout who loved open source. Of course he’s on our side!

  • Santa Cardassian
  • Sort of off topic but I honestly hate Santa. I don’t think it’s cool to lie to kids, especially to tell them that they and their actions are constantly judged by an invisible third person. That’s before getting into the class issues around rich kids apparently being better in this all knowing all seeing quasi benevolent god’s eyes. Why else would they get the good stuff while the poor kids get the shitty stuff and the knockoffs? Was no one else upset as a kid finding out that adults had essentially engaged in a conspiracy to deceive you? Fuck Santa. And fuck mass surveillance and judging gods and normalizing those concepts in children.

  • /kbin meta AngrilyEatingMuffins
    blocks aren't working

    blocks aren't working

