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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • Idiocracy was a better timeline than this. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho may have been a bit lacking in the patience department, but he honestly wanted what was best for his people, and he fucking listened to "the smartest man in the world," and did what he was told to do to fix the problems. Then he actually abdicated because he thought Not Sure could run the country better than he could.

  • No. I would pity you, except that's a waste of my time. If I ever meet you in real life, you'll find out what a USN Navy Captain can do to exterminate Nazis. You are completely lost, and a waste of resources. The best thing you could do for humanity is follow Hitler's example, and commit suicide.

    I actually believe that humanity as a whole is a good community. It's just aberrant cancerous cells like you that must be terminated for the rest of humanity to thrive and realize their full potential.

  • Politics, and a political side has absolutely nothing to do with legal definitions.

    The Republicans as a whole have openly embraced the fact that they are all, legally speaking, traitors. They want to rip up The Constitution, "drown the government in a bathtub," and install a monarch to rule in place of democracy.

    The actions of these traitors fits the definition of being a traitor according to the laws that they so gleefully want to throw out, so that they may rule forever with an iron fist taking us back to the days of the late 1700s when they could own slaves, own women, murder brown people with no repurcussions, and America was "great"

    You defending The Republican anti-American platform won't gain any traction here, you fucking fascist traitor.

    Small warning, since you're a newbie. We will trace, and doxx you, if you continue to insist on being a traitor to democracy.

  • Do I get any of the normal equipment I carry on me? My entrenchment tool should allow me to create a makeshift igloo in that time, at least a windbreak, but if I don't have any fuel for a fire, then sure, I die. If I have any fuel for a fire, and an ignition source, then all I need is a tiny fire to warm me, and not melt my igloo. I also literally carry flint and steel on me at all times.

    This scenario actually is literally against my person, who has been moving closer and closer to the equator, because it's still too cold in San Diego, CA.

    On the equator I would need some sort of shade and relief from the midday sun, but at least it would always be warm enough.

  • No clue, but probably. The others are true in basically all situations, that's specifically why I'm saying that the 3 hours stat seems to be an element of the set that isn't similar to the other elements of the set.

  • I've spent a bit of my life "on the street" as it were. That being said, I've only slept rough for a total of two to three months so far. I hear what you're saying about being totally exposed, especially in harsh weather, but I still think that 3 hours is on the outside of the bell curve.

  • The 3 hours without shelter stat is suspect. People experiencing homelessness exist, and they go years at times without shelter.

    The rest of the stats seem to be a comfortable average.

  • 🎵🎶 I spilled the blood of the Saxon men🎶🎵

    I know Charlemagne doesn't fit the definition of a Supergroup, but that's simply because when the term was coined, Christopher Lee hadn't joined any bands yet. So the creators of the term forgot to leave in the loophole that any band with Christopher Lee is also a Supergroup.

  • Drumpf also alluded to "he's got the best coders, it's just one line of code," fElon will hand us the win! Before the election.

    fElon also said before the election, "If he [Drumpf] doesn't win, I'm probably going to prison," [sic] alongside President Elect Drumpf