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Family of taekwondo instructors saves Texas woman from sexual assault
  • My first martial arts lesson the instructor told us that as white belts, if we manage a good hit against a black belt, that's a good white belt. If a black belt fully hits or kicks the white belt, that's a bad black belt.

  • NATO Member Sweden Says Russia Disrupting Its Satellite Networks
  • The previous commenter could be accused of Russian apologencia. That's why the single downvote on average.

    Now, if you continue protesting, then you're clearly promoting Russian, AKA Modern Day Nazi interests, AKA Kremlin interests.

  • America is still haunted by the ghost of Ronald Reagan's corruption
  • You missed Wilson.

    1. Created Wilsonian doctrine that led to forever wars

    2. Segregated the federal government.

    3. Wrote Southern Revisionism

    4. Fostered the second founding of the KKK

    5. Erected a bunch of statues of traitors that specifically said to never erect statues of them.

    6. Probably caused Lenin, and Stalin thereby causing Hitler and WWII plus a host of downstream knock-on effects such as The Cold War and the demonization of socialism and communism in the US.

    7. Robbed us of Teddy's third and fourth terms in office.

  • Rights Groups To Sue as Louisiana Requires Ten Commandments Displayed in Classrooms
  • They needed #1 since they were never in Egypt to begin with. All archaeological evidence points to the Israelites being Cannannites that decided to kill their cousins, and claim they weren't related. They attached themselves to Egypt because Egypt was more powerful back then than the Mittani and the Assyrians.

  • This is getting out of hand! Now there are more than 3 of them!
  • Honestly that's what made Andor so damn good. Not a whiff of The Force shenanigans. Just an ordinary guy trying to live his life and keep his head down, and that just isn't enough because of the level of corruption in The Empire.

    One way out, indeed.

  • Only 191 days until Christmas
  • She makes millions in royalties every year, somehow I suspect that she doesn't even hear it since she has the money to have absolutely everything delivered. Why would she go to a store?

  • I need some help choosing a monitor.

    Simply put I have built a gaming tower that I have no monitor that will connect with the machine only having a BIOS and no OS. As I understand it, I need something that will connect with an HDMI cable, but that seems to be either a traditional monitor or a tablet. I'm completely unsure which would be more stable, and therefore "better." I lean towards the normal static monitor over HDMI enabled tablets, but I am uncertain if that is just me being out of touch with the latest hardware.

    This is the build list I used, except I doubled the RAM to 64 GB of the same type.

    Thank you very much, in advance.

    Christmas Mac and Cheese

    Mom sent me 6 lbs of Cuba, NY, extra sharp white cheddar. Made this Mac and cheese with 1.5 pounds :)

    We Are The Music Makers AngryCommieKender
    Chad Smith of RCHP improvises the drum part for "The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars"

    I love this channel. These guys show off the amazing talents of various drummers.

    Not sure if it should be marked NSFW due to minor swearing.

    Landlord Party In Berkeley Ends In Fights Protest at landlord party devolves into physical fights

    After protesters took over a private party of landlords celebrating the end of the eviction moratorium, fights broke out between both groups.

    Protest at landlord party devolves into physical fights
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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