Landlord Party In Berkeley Ends In Fights
Landlord Party In Berkeley Ends In Fights

After protesters took over a private party of landlords celebrating the end of the eviction moratorium, fights broke out between both groups.

Landlord Party In Berkeley Ends In Fights
After protesters took over a private party of landlords celebrating the end of the eviction moratorium, fights broke out between both groups.
"Landlords entering the party were greeted with shouts of “Parasite!” and “Get a job!”"
Some good news for today.
I had to do a double take and make sure they weren’t talking about tenants… weren’t there plenty of problematic tenants who don’t pay rent because they couldn’t be evicted?
I was a tenured property manager when all the shit went down initially and I didn't have a single tenant out of ~220 "take advantage" of the moratorium. I left the industry for lower paying work because of the owners' amorality.
This is the same as the "welfare queen" argument. Yes, there are a few people who take advantage of something that helps many others. That doesn't mean you stop doing it. At best, you make the system more robust.
There were, yeah. My neighbor tried using COVID as an excuse and ended up skipping state instead of going to court.
Chants of “See our might, see our power, landlords get no happy hour” ... “Parasite!” and “Get a job!”
Love it!
About an hour into the rally, the picketers entered the venue ... Witnesses said a male attendee of the BPOA event [landlord] then slapped a female TANC member [protester] in the face and pushed her.
Thuggish landlords throwing their weight around? I'm shocked. Interestingly, police who were monitoring refused to enter the venue.
No one's profits are more important than anyone's right to shelter. While there'll never be justice in a world with landlords, at least there can be some nice music:
Landlords being massive pieces of shit? Well I never
YES! I knew what it was before I even clicked! Perfect!
Good. The petite bourgeois need to remember that they are part of the problem.
Outside the pub, tenant advocates were having conversations with passerby who disagreed with the protest. “Wouldn’t it be bad if we were celebrating landlords losing their homes?” one protester (left) said.
what a strange thing to say outside an event where landlords are celebrating being able to evict people again.
edit: i misread the article when i made this comment
Well that's the point. It'd be bad to celebrate other human beings losing their homes.
That's why they're protesting outside the landlord celebration of people losing their homes again.
oh it looks like i misread it. i thought the people who disagree with the protest were saying that it’s bad to celebrate landlords losing their homes. thank you for clearing that up
I don't follow.
Would rather know which properties these people own and work full time to ensure they are empty at all costs.
Local clerk of court website can help you with this.
If you can get their names, you can know the property they personally own.
And if they're big enough to have a corporate name on the deed, then they will probably be registered with your secretary of state or whichever department handles business filings.
in the bay? you're hilarious.
Wow. Capitalism blows.
It's nice to see positive news once in a while
She said she then stepped out to request the presence of the police, who had been observing the protest, but they refused to enter the pub.
Interesting... police refused to step in at the request of the landlords.
They were landlords, so no pigs were allowed inside the building.
Not long now until we're eating the rich. I can't wait!
I call dibs on the ny strip!
I'm real good at filet
I wondered about the wisdom of having a high profile landlord party in Berkeley, of all places. Not sure if they could have chosen a much worse place.
Which muppet thought that having a celebration party was a good idea ?
Berkeley may well be the worst place ever to have a landlord party. Read the room.
Yeah, I'm sorry, but I really want people to think about what a rental world looks like if people can't be evicted.
Really think about it. What incentive does someone have to pay rent? None. You're essentially telling landlords that if they get an abusive tenant who refuses to abide by the lease terms they signed in good faith, they have no legal remedy and cannot control their property any more.
In such a world, why the hell would anyone invest in rental housing? Why would any sane investor build a new apartment complex or rehabilitate an existing one? Why would they seek a new tenant rather than just selling everything to some faceless megacorp which can afford to amortize out the risk or redevelop apartments into condos? And yeah, you might think, hey, property values will drop and people will buy rather than rent. But not everyone's going to be able to buy, and if we lose access to rental housing because it's gotten impossible to evict tenants regardless of the reason, it's going to really hurt anyone who needs or wants to rent, as well as provide a major barrier to private investment in constructing new housing.
Some of these landlords have been stuck dealing with abusive tenants for years without access to the law for recourse. Maybe the tenant is paying zero rent, but demanding that the landlord maintain paying large sums for upkeep and utilities. Maybe they're harassing the landlord or threatening their neighbors. We have no idea what's going on, and there are often very good reasons why someone gets evicted. Shit, maybe it's a shared housing situation and they're sexually harassing another resident.
Ending the eviction moratorium is a good thing, because if it doesn't get ended, then it'll be the end of rental housing availability. The entire system will collapse. And maybe that system needs some reform, but letting it collapse isn't a good end.
Whether I agree with the moratorium ending or not, celebrating people suffering is something horrible people do and I'm glad they got some comeuppance for it.
In principal, yes you are right. However, everyone knew it would end eventually. These people still owe their landlords the money. They will have their credit ruined, have an eviction and not be able to rent again. These are serious consequences. I doubt there's a ton of people who just chose that for no reason.