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Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • I'm pretty anti-brexit, but I'm not sure whether I'm pro-rejoining. Taking the clusterfuck we've landed in and turning it in to somehow an even bigger clusterfuck may not necessarily yield good results and definitely won't be some silver bullet. The massive middle finger we'd justifiably get from the EU should probably give us pause.

  • The world is running out of soldiers
  • Errr... okay?

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • Thanks, it's the culmination of a lot of thought and a previous attempt by my manager and I to rework things to make it better but hasn't really worked out. Onwards and upwards, I'd still intend to find a job during the 3 months notice period before I'm set loose so ideally I won't lose the "tempt me away" factor before I get a new gig.

  • The world is running out of soldiers
  • I could very well be wrong, but in my eyes the war in Ukraine has shown that having a big standing army to swing around isn't the magic win button it used to be. Ukraine has been resisting far beyond anyone's realistic expectation despite being massively outnumbered, doing huge amounts of damage to even Russia's naval assets (in large part due to drone warfare). Russia thought they were just going to roll over the border and plant a flag in to Zelensky's head, yet they remain embroiled in a bitter war of attrition with a military that is a fraction of their size. For what they assumed was going to be a simple border dispute, they have had to convert their economy to a "total war" footing. The ramifications of them throwing scores of their young male population in to a meatgrinder are going to be felt for generations to come, even if/when they "win" and occupy Ukraine... and they know it, given their penchant for kidnapping children.

  • The world is running out of soldiers
  • Militaries are doing more with less these days, person-wise, though still with massively inflated budgets. These days you operate a large standing army when you're worried that your youth might get bored and tear your country up if you don't keep them busy rather than because you expect to use them in waves of mass infantry rushes.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • It's contractual, I'm going to serve my notice period.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • I went from doer to manager, even though I'm now expected to do and manage... it isn't enjoyable.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • That would be the dream, but it hasn't panned out, and my long notice period is hampering me. I'm not going to continue slogging it out here indefinitely, and I don't need to.

    I don't need any additional anxiety to discourage me from getting out of this before I just burn out and am in a worse position.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • Can confirm. ^^'

    Though I am just going to resign on Monday and give myself the push.

  • EU Council has withdrawn the vote on Chat Control
  • I was thinking they might have meant SvD (Svenska Dagbladet), who are a news organisation, though I didn't see any corresponding articles.

  • UK millionaires are fleeing Britain in their thousands
  • I'm not exactly a millionaire but I'd be willing to leave the UK if it wasn't such a hassle. It's been quite a while since I've felt any national pride in the things we're doing or our collective priorities.

    The likelihood of having even more overseas parties with massive stakes in our economy, infrastructure, and housing with a somehow greater degree of detachment from their impact doesn't sound great for anyone.

  • U.K.’s Richest Family Spent More on Dog Than Paying Staff, Court Hears
  • What do you mean they aren't tax deductible?

  • TIL norway has a homocide map with exact locations of murders.
  • Being able to look through all of the details of the victims and crimes feels a little ghoulish.

  • TIL norway has a homocide map with exact locations of murders.
  • Looks like a Swede crossed the border one time and was immediately murdered by a Norwegian.

  • Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important
  • Great... so we're reaffirming that society's various structures exist purely for the benefit of monied interests, as ever. Any benefit the regular person sees from arrangements is purely coincidental, your rights stop at the point at which a corporation needs them to.

  • Rare white bison sighted in Yellowstone evokes Native American prophecy
  • heralding major change

    In a good way though, right? Right...?

  • Microsoft postpones Windows Recall after major backlash — will launch Copilot+ PCs without headlining AI feature
  • Did MS derive any particular benefit from Timeline? It was a lot more localised as far as I recall. Recall seems geared to give them a lot more data that they could monetise.

  • ChaoticEntropy Chaotic Entropy
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