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Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough
  • I don't think anyone anywhere is claiming 8GB RAM is enough for software and AI development. Pretty sure we're talking about consumer-grade hardware here. And low-end at that.

  • What games did you have a good time with that you just never finished?
  • I feel like some AAA games have gotten better at making it easier to return after a long absence. FFVII Rebirth basically has a timeline of every single event leading up to your current mission and FFXVI had the Active Time Lore system and basically an entire in-game wiki that you put together for that old librarian dude. It also had that strategist lady who would explain to you the state of the realm between events and missions.

  • Your favorite video game doesn't need a remake | Digital Trends
  • You can get a used PS4 for pretty damn cheap these days, and Bloodborne is basically free... I would say it's worth the investment, the game is phenomenal.

  • What is your favourite game with native Linux port?
  • Dwarf Fortress is quite the rabbit hole. It's so much more than just a game. The complexity of the simulation has actually made me wonder about simulation theory IRL.

    It's mind blowing.

  • Roger Stone Caught on Tape Discussing Trump’s Plan to Challenge 2024 Election
  • Unfortunately, Roger Stone would probably get off on it.

  • $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • Sales of physical copies of games is where consoles truly shine. It's not as great as a few years ago (getting surplus steelbook games for like $10 sometimes), but you can still regularly pick up AAA games that are a handful of months old for $20 or sometimes less.

    Check sites like dekudeals and psprices (steamDB is great too for making sure you're not being over charged on Steam).

    It's just being a savvy consumer.

    But yeah, when it comes to Nintendo hardware, the only reason to have it imo is the first party games, and those will never go on sale so you might as well just pony up. You can do the voucher thing and save $10 on each if you get two games (dunno if that's still a thing).

  • [Solved-ish] Having issues launching games specifically from steam
  • Ah, bummer... Can't you just log in using X11 instead of Wayland for the session when you want to play? Assuming it's a Wayland issue...

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • Thanks, I've saved your comment and I'll add them to the list.

  • Emerging Psychedelic Mushroom Alternative More Toxic Than Fentanyl, New Research Suggests
  • Something inherently skeevy and untrustworthy about buying acid from someone so clearly and openly against the very idea of psychedelics.

    Bad vibes.

  • Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal
  • They said,

    Hamas are not good guys by any stretch

    and then you say,

    How the hell Hamas are the good guys [...]?

    Not only a straw man, but you're literally acting like they made the complete opposite argument. Bad faith, dude. Bad faith.

    Not even going to get into the whole, "they pushed Israel for so long that it finally snapped" thing. Just a complete historical revisionism.

    Do people actually buy this shit?

  • Drinking raw milk even after repeated health warnings about bird flu?
  • We're witnessing the end result of decades of baked-n American Exceptionalism and "rugged individualism": a bunch of selfish pricks literally willing to kill themselves and others out of some bizarre form of oppositional defiant disorder.

    This is the American Dream, folks.

  • Fatty liver disease is just self-induced Foie Gras
  • Hannibal Lector has entered the chat...

  • Cake days have an off-by-one error
  • Yeah, can we not?

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • I've only ever seen Short Cuts (loved it), the Player (liked it a lot), and McCabe and Mrs Miller (ehh....). How do you think I'd feel about his other films?

  • Massive explosion rocks SpaceX Texas facility, Starship engine in flames
  • No worries lol, explains my confusion of you bringing to Stalin lol...

  • Massive explosion rocks SpaceX Texas facility, Starship engine in flames
  • Did you reply to the wrong comment? Because my comment you replied to said nothing about Stalin or Zuckerberg or any of that shit. I literally have no idea what you're talking about.

  • Anon pirates a game
  • Try again next time, and look a little bit closer. They will do everything they can to make you think you need to accept both, but there's a reason there are two things you need to approve and why the wording is subtly different when asking approval of one vs the other.

    And yes I'm talking about console games as well.

  • [Solved-ish] Having issues launching games specifically from steam
  • For some reason I've been having issues too, but I started adding this to my launch options in the game properties in Steam and it seems to work for several games. Dunno if this is the same issue as you though, but maybe worth a shot:

    PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%

    Also use Wayland.

  • [No Spoilers-FFVII: Rebirth] No specific event to spoil, I just think Chadley (FFVII Remake & Rebirth) is a pompous little shit.

    No spoilers for me neither, since I'm still playing Rebirth... I just felt the urge to talk about how much this little prick gets on my nerves....

    Anyone else? Or is it just me?

    Having a blast with the game either way... But fuck Chadley.

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