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Dumb fucks
  • do you know why they protested at stonehenge? the comic actually illustrates it well. If you're this pissed off about cornflour being thrown on a UNESCO World Heritage site, you should look up how many world heritage sites are at risk of being submerged.

  • U.S. home prices have far outpaced paychecks. See what it looks like where you live
  • We're reaching a point of having multiple "everything" problems. Housing is one of them. An everything problem is when several different socioeconomic crises result in it's own specific crisis, and can likely only be solved if the solution also addresses the other issues too. Capitalism plays a huge part in the housing crisis, but so does climate change, wealth inequality, systemic discrimination, the opioid crisis, and so much more. All that to say, shit's complex and addressing any of these other problems will give some amount of relief for the housing crisis, and vice versa.

  • Hmmm
  • I've lived with dogs this big. The trick is to train them when they're too small to see over the tables. When it comes to prepping food, you get used to setting meat further back on the counter or putting them outside

  • Gay Water Rule
  • Turns out they're legit, and partner with lgbt+ organizations. Unfortunately a lot of the lists I saw for other queer friendly companies are pretty localized to microbreweries. So as usual if you want to support lgbt+ companies, look local

  • H5N1 Bird Flu Isn’t a Human Pandemic—Yet. American Contrariness Could Turn It into One
  • Instead, we spend a lot of time in high school biology on hydras ... maybe that time would have been better spent on some history of plagues

    I think there's a different class that might be better suited to discussing past plagues lol

    On a serious note, I get what you mean. I think classes need to be more integrated on their lessons, so like the science class is discussing the mechanics of how diseases reproduce at the same time history class is covering past epidemics, while the social studies class covers how systemic injustice worsened epidemics for the poor and minorities.

  • LGBTQ+ rockSlayer
    Please help me understand why I should share my identity

    To start for anyone that may be concerned by the title, I've always considered myself an ally and I've supported both family and friends when they came out to me. I've always known that it takes a lot of trust for someone to come out like that, and I want to be the friend that they feel safe to talk with about that stuff.

    I'm autistic, and I've recently started my journey of understanding that, my gender, and my sexuality. I've suspected since college that I was ace, and finally understood that about myself in the last few months. I made the first public message ever referring to myself as queer in a casual setting as a passing comment today which honestly felt a little strange, but already feels natural.

    What I need help with understanding, is why should I actively tell my friends and family about it? The way I see it, I've always been this way and nothing will change in me between now and 10 seconds after I say something. I don't think of it as hiding anything either, I think of it as me being me. Why do others feel the need to share with people close to them?

    Bruce Springsteen - Born in the U.S.A.

    Too often this song is seen as an unwavering patriotic song, which to me indicates that people aren't paying attention to all the lyrics. This song is about the country forcing the poor and downtrodden to go to war on behalf of people they will never meet and then expected to, somehow, return to normal. When understood in it's appropriate context, this song is better than anything uncritical listeners hear.

    Gil Scott-Heron - Revolution Will Not Be Televised

    This is another legendary classic. Seeing the protest crackdowns on college students had me thinking about this song for the last few days.

    Magpies - Workers of the World, Awaken!

    This one is a cover of a song written by Joe Hill. The IWW still publishes the little red songbook, which has this song in it!

    Pete Seeger -Which Side are You On?

    This is a legendary classic, covered by dozens of leftist artists. While I prefer studio recordings generally, hearing an entire crowd singing this song gives so much more weight to it. I also really like this (admittedly it's mostly a meme) edit with rifle fire to really drive home that we would not have our labor rights today without these brave workers literally fighting with guns for better working conditions.

    The Death of Harry Simms - Pete Seeger

    Harry Simms was an organizer for the NMU, a communist union that had been organizing in Harlan county, Kentucky during the events of Bloody Harlan. In fact his death, as described in this song, reignited militant labor into more violent action against the capitalists. Eventually the UMW won the hearts and minds of the workers while beating back the capitalist union busters, but the NMU was a crucial part of the story in supporting workers and their families after getting kicked out of company towns.

    Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine

    I suppose I'm cheating a bit by posting Pink, but their leftist messages are popular for a reason!

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