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Which is the best Monster Hunter flagship monster? - Online Poll -
  • i almost timed out on my first Rathalos hunt (3U), the bastard just refused to descend. you'd think i'd have had my fill of revenge since, but no. they gave him the 360 noscope heat-seeking talon attack & i've made it a point to always get the current Rathalos iteration down to humiliation levels ASAP.

    the blood must ever flow.

  • Pentagon finds accounting error worth 2$ billion under the cushions for Ukraine
  • had a rune shirt once. first time out wearing it, this guy i had titled Toy Nazi immediately compliments it upon walking in. threw the fucking thing out after. the shirt, not the guy. tho, yeah, in retrospect, i'm not a v clever gal.

  • Lmao
  • they don't want u to know this buT MOONVEIL SPAM WORKS IRL



  • “But white people don’t have culture!” — You were saying?
  • the imported stuff is crazy expensive, too. i mean, everything is, at this point. but no way am i gonna buy mac n chiis in a box, when homemade is better & much more cost-effective. the whole thing actually pissed me off so much that i started making my own variations of mac n chiis like, semi-regularly... so thanks?

    ps. pop-tarts were a mistake

  • Do you guys have any incels you know personally?
  • there's one i used to talk to. idk, guess i figured i might be able to help him out of it, but the ideology had seeped into his every cell; it was impossible to have a reasonable conversation with him at all. it was all so horribly naked, too, like he really wanted to be the absolute most vile of the bunch.

    i think about him, sometimes.

    in retrospect, the fact that i tried to talk to him prolly has more than a little to do with where i am today.

  • Why are they acting like Biden sacrificed himself to save the world?
  • it's not like anyone who does stuff like that actually stays gone, anyway.



  • Talking to your friends about their Fascist Ideology
  • all i know is, i'm so sick & tired of having to compromise. i keep thinking about the bs my brother spouts, but like, there's just literally nothing i can say / do to magically snap him out of it, if he's in that deep already.

    fortunately, am moving out of the country v soon.

    e : worth noting that i already left my core friend group of 15 years cuz of increasing "anti-woke" rhetoric.

  • Pooping is gross and takes too much time
  • i remember when i only had to go once a week. those were the days of Gold-Tinged Excrement.

    now it's been 2-7 times a day for... quite a while. at least i finally got some actual meds for my ulcers, no thanks to the local healthcare.

  • Coming back to AC6 since release and its even better than I remember it
  • great, now i'll have the opening stucc in my head for the rest of the year thonk-cri

    ps. i rly gotta get AC6 finally. it seems like if kid me had been given free reign to design their dream game.