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Millennial dads spend 3 times as much time with their kids than previous generations -
  • Ugh, that was all I ever heard from my boomer parents

  • Donald Trump found guilty in N.Y. hush money trial
  • Gonna go out on a limb and say he won't face any jail time.

  • Robert De Niro Blasts Trump as 'Clown' Threatening Democracy at Biden Campaign Event
  • I'd rather fight over Gaza with the Biden regime than with the Trump regime.

  • NSFW
    Do it at work
  • Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime That's why I cum to work on time

  • Biden administration plans $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • "Can we have universal healthcare?"


  • They don't care about you
  • Eat the rich, before the rich eat you.

  • Hillary Clinton ‘get over yourself’ comment threatens to backfire on Biden
  • Spoken like a true status-quo-worshipping establishmentarian.

  • Millions of customers' data found on dark web in latest AT&T data breach
  • Why do they need to retain that kind of data on 65 million closed accounts, again?

  • I feel like lots of 8 year olds like the letter X as well
  • Is SpaceX run by these guys?

  • Slava Ukraini
  • This, this right here. The military-industrial complex is the reason we are so fast to invade countries in the Middle East but slow to withdraw. Eisenhower warned us about it, but we have not heeded those warnings in the modern era.

  • Welcome to ! - What do you selfhost?
  • I've been working on expanding my homelab recently. I have a physical box at home serving as an LXC host along with a few VPSes. I'm now up to:

    • Some static web sites
    • Nextcloud
    • Jellyfin
    • Forgejo
    • NTFY
    • A reverse proxy
    • An IRC server
    • A Gemini server
    • A VPN
    • DNS servers

    I think I read an old blog post once that said "Servers tend to multiply like rabbits" and it's 100% true.

  • Mastodon [and the Fediverse generally] Has A Serious SPAM Problem | Brodie Robertson
  • Even more, the argument and the spam coordination originated on Discord, who did nothing to moderate it despite multiple reports.

  • Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs
  • I support educating pet owners, and regulating "puppy mills".

    Dogs aren't guns.

  • Vote against Trump 2024
  • The bickering in this thread is just the latest example of how broken American politics is. There are no good candidates, only least bad ones, and we are forced into these shitty choices every single time because the people in power value profits over human rights and dignity.

    I'm voting Biden, but I'm not happy about it.

  • Yesssss!
  • Bemoaning Ohio results, Santorum says ‘pure democracies’ aren’t how to run a country
  • I'm literally reading Unseen Academicals right now and that line sure did stike a chord.

  • Ascrod Ascrod

    Surviving near Cincinnati, Ohio.

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    Comments 38