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First Images from the new Borderlands movie
  • My expectations are on the floor so it'll be a low bar to clear. Hopefully it'll just be a fun watch.

    Definitely not expecting them to stick to close to the games story (the main vault hunters kind of reveal that).

  • What's on your gaming sh*t list
  • I love a good challenging boss.

    But when bosses are just short of unbeatable it makes the vein in my forehead pop.

    Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat 9 comes to mind. MFer was TOUGH to beat

  • What is a rainy day meal you enjoy?
  • Portugese Bean Soup.

    Ham Hocks Kidney Beans Portugese Sausage ( or any type of sausage really) Carrots Cabbage Diced Tomatoes / Tomato Sauce

    Boil the ham hocks for about an hour then combine all ingredients Boil them all together for a couple of hours

    Takes a bit to prep but it's delicious!

  • What's involved in your budgeting method?
  • At the very basic level, I predict how much money i expect to make in a month. Then subtract all bills and expenses that will definitely occur in the month. The difference is what i have to play with. Most times that extra goes into getting more groceries. Sometimes I can put that extra into my emergency savings which gets drained out more often than i'd like.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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