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This is how a #brompton EZ clamp spring looks like after a decent few months of usage.

This is how a #brompton EZ clamp spring looks like after a decent few months of usage.

As you can see, it's quite compressed now and, as a result, not springy enough to hold the clamp up properly anymore.

That lifespan is not bad by any means (easy enough to re-print) but does that happen to y'all too or is it just me?

It's also just the handlebar one; the other is holding up fine.

I remember seeing a variant of this which had an actual metal spring inside; I might look into that.


After a bit of confusion, I found out why my #Firefox was being laggy on some website despite me turning off Javascript.

After a bit of confusion, I found out why my #Firefox was being laggy on some website despite me turning off Javascript.

Turns out I had set layers.acceleration.disabled while debugging V-Sync.

What this setting does is effectively disable hardware acceleration for a core component of page compositing; making everything laggy.

Mess with settings in a dedicated guinea profile people!


Discourse ActivityPub Plugin was recently merged, connecting forums and mastodon
  • @poVoq @maegul

    As a little proof, here I am replying to you from Mastodon ;)

  • Atemu Atemu
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