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Japan’s latest bizarre delicacy: armpit rice balls made with cute girls’ sweat
  • in this case i wouldn't rule out it was originally made up because somebody was horny and then later turned their fantasy into an article.

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • idk if you've read his other posts, but he has literally accused queer people of "shoving [our] sexuality down his throat" and has accused people with a top-bottom dynamic in their relationship of being heteronormative as if he was some fucking terf vomitting out a sex negative manifesto in the 1970s. He can't tell the difference between being sex repulsed and being a literal homophobic kinkshaming fascist.

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • I have no idea where/why the accusation of bad faith (or especially queer and kinkphobia) is coming from, and wish you'd explain more rather than telling me that my (probably too genuine) depressed 2AM rant based on my experiences with other queer people is bad faith stuff meant to hide some real message.

    Oh great i just love having to explain to people how they've hurt me. That's always so much fun!

    Listen, dingus, when you accuse kinksters of having "recreated masculine and feminine gender roles down to their association with sexual behaviour", you are verbatim parroting the talking points of sex negative radfems that later all turned out to be giga terfs. You are invalidating queer sexualities, something which you do not fucking know anything about in the first place, and you are doing it in a way that's historically loaded in a way particularly offensive to lesbian kinksters and to trans women. As a transbian kinkster, here's a heartfelt "fuck you" from me: Fuck you, you ignorant, backpedaling piece of shit. You can't vomit a wall of text like that into this thread where you police my community's online conversations and basically tell every single person i'm friends with that they're horrible, boundary-violating people for daring to use the pleading emote in a sexual context and then pretend that didn't happen and that you didn't mean to offend anybody. Your entire post is full of blanket statements that show me how much you hate kinksters and want us to shut up and hide our sexualities for your convenience. You're not any better than any other bigot out there who makes me afraid of even holding hands with my girls in public. You will never have to face the same kind of opression, you will never have to be afraid of getting hatecrimed for loving somebody, all you can offer is the same "do not shove your sexuality down my throat" that i get to hear from any other reactionary. Like, you are LITERALLY using the "shoved down my throat" line that fascists weaponize against the queer community in the very post i'm replying to. There's a difference between being sex repulsed and arguing against expressions of other people's sexualities and love lifes like a fucking homophobic fascist and you have crossed that line. You're a threat to the only spaces where my friends and me can safely be ourselves. Reported, disengaged and blocked.

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • So after your other comment itt, i'm generous enough to give you the benefit of the doub that you're really just tired off allonormativity, but this post still rubs me the wrong way. I'm gonna keep my original gut level reaction to this deleted, but i still feel that your entire post sounds like kinkshamy, queerphobic bad faith shit hidden behind a wall of word salad. This really creeps me out and reminds me way too much of people making queer spaces irl unsafe for my friends and me.

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • So after your other comment itt, i'm generous enough to give you the benefit of the doub that you're really just tired off allonormativity, but this post still rubs me the wrong way. I'm gonna delete my original gut level reaction to this, but i still feel that your entire post sounds like kinkshamy, queerphobic bad faith shit hidden behind a wall of word salad, and i can't feel sorry for jumping down your throat when you come at my community like this.

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • hisses approvingly in her vegan leather skirt

  • I don't really like that the feminist stance on cis marriage is that women should keep their own surname rather than taking the man's
  • This is incorrect, the feminist stance is that women decide if they or their wife get to keep the surname in a game of axe throwing. In case of a draw, both women end up with a hyphenated double name.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I can't speak for Korean manosphere ideology, but all i see of the Western equivalent is built very thoroughly towards a hermetically sealed world view were the tiniest bit of change will make you a beta cuck doomed to a lifetime of paying child support for somebody else's children. Inocculation against criticism is very central to incel, PUA, high value male and MIGTOW discourses. So within that ideological framework, doubling down in an attempt to become as alpha as possible and getting one of the last remaining tradwifes or becoming completely blackpilled are the only logical conclusions.

  • ITT: We try to recreate early COVID Brace
  • fuck Ereshkigal, all my homies are cursed by Ereshkigal

  • my posting levels are too powerful
  • yeonmi-park In North Korea, the trans agenda is so pervasive that anime characters in Blahhaj cosplay are seen on every mural. This is part of a 5 year plan to get the number of cis people down below 30%.

  • NSFW
    they made a polycule
  • it's painfully realistic that all four of them are bottoms

  • General election latest: Rishi Sunak announces 4 July vote in Downing Street statement - BBC News
  • In bad country, elections are not held on a regular schedule, but dates are arbitrarily set by the unelected prime minister.

  • NSFW
    (CW sexism) Yo BigHaas apparently this is a whole thing.
  • im so sad we never added the sicko witch

    sicko-power I'm fond of this one

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • BTW if the job is traditionally regarded as a woman's job, it also pays like shit because traditional women's jobs are ones that are socially necessary, but not economically productive. Is there discrimination against men in nursing or child daycare? Well, yes, i've seen some of that when i was working in nursery pre-transition, i've had friends see some of that when they worked in childcare pre-transition, although in both fields it has a tendency to invert once you've clawed your way up to a middle management position. But the conditions in these jobs, regardless of whether men or women do them, are a product of how systemic misogyny is used to devalue care labor and outsource it to a permanent underclass.

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • Do none of you people arguing for the existence of misandry understand that “a woman was mean to me once” is not in any way remotely comparable to the systematic undervaluing of women as people for the benefit of men

    They seriously don't. Like, they have no idea how it is out there. As a trans woman, i at least sorta kinda know both sides - i always completely sucked at being a guy and could rarely if ever actually enjoy the decidedly guyish parts of my pre-transition life, but i can still safely say that i know what it's like to have male privilege, to be the man in a straight relationship, to be able to hang out with the boys at / after work, to be your parents' son instead of their daughter, to be with the guys instead of the girls at a social gathering, to walk home at night when you're read as a dude vs walking home at night when you're read as a girl, and they just don't. And because they are the cultural default and their experiences are always the ones being centered, it stays that way. A huge part of how male suprematism works is that guys, average guys who aren't Andrew Tate and think of themselves as not being toxic douchbros, are still being completely oblivious to how different a woman's day to day life is from theirs. Most of them would not be able to make the same amount of use of women in their professional, private, sexual and emotional life if they understood how much we are still subjected to serve men in nowadays much more subtle, but still very noticeable ways. And if you point it out to them, if you point out that the difference between them and Andrew Tate is in most cases gradual, not absolute, they do everything in their power to reject that realization, because our servitude is so damn useful to them.

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • For starters, you're really good at immediately trying to silence women criticizing the patriarchy and centering yourself in a conversation about the systemic opression of women. I'd hazard a guess that traditional concepts of masculinity where men have to be the strong stoics working through every problem on their own at least contribute to your problems, but in spite of patriarchy having harmed you that badly, you still run to its defense in the expected ways like the good pupper you are.

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • Aaaaaaand here we go with the full on antifeminist chud shit about how "feminism 101 holds that it applies to him regardless of his personal circumstances", like mfer that's literally how some redpilled techbro would describe feminism.

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • When you have a clear opressor side and a clear opressed side, you do not bothsides things, that's literally all lives matter tier shit. The points you are making are key talking points of manosphere chuds arguing against feminism, and that kind of shit is coming up on here over and over again, not only by one day old accounts, but by people who've been posting here for ages.

    It would be fucking ridiculous how open to antifeminist, misogynist reasoning hexbear is if it wasn't so obnoxiously common even in leftist spaces. Don't be surprised when women are "misandrist", never trusting a man is a normal, necessary survival instinct for us.