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NASA selects SpaceX to build deorbit vehicle for International Space Station
  • Yeah simple. It's not like it's rocket science.

  • Russian satellite breaks up in space, forces ISS astronauts to shelter
  • A laser? Mount it on ISS and expand the solar panels and install a battery/capacitor. It might be slow.. but for the smaller stuff burning it up might work, or not?

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • Yes, very much so. The reason I think there might be add ons is due to the nature of the threat.

    Very angry, low visible, high speed, armored, unmanned surface vehicles that hunt in packs.

    • The Rim116 might not be usable because by the time you see them you might not want to / can not use a missile anymore.
    • The gun based ciws (midas/goalkeeper/phalanx et al.) might not have enough penetration. They are built for engaging unarmored targets.

    We can make fun of the Russian expansion of their submarine fleet in de black sea all we want.. but if these maguras where an easy threat to deal with they would. No reason to think any NATO surface combatant would do any better when suddenly confronted with a similar threat.

  • Ukrainian Mig-29 launches two AASM-250 Hammer guided bombs on Russian positions.
  • Yeah, but currently they stay away from the front far enough. In the near future this will probably be done closer to the front with an amraam and harm packing F16 to back them up.

    Edit: Cool read that link btw

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • Yes, add USVs to the treat list.

    The type of threats these things pose are a lot more similar to missiles than they are to a Rib filled with goons. Low observable and fast, close to shore means that a high level of automation might be needed. Aka.. a ciws.

    And why I think there might be add ons, is the type of threat is new and existing systems might not suffice. Magura is armored a plane or missile is not.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • That the US and her defense contractors see this and are very busy developing solutions against this very potent threat against their own ships. Since the rest of the Wold als sees this.. and that includes some people/groups/countries that might want to sink some American ships. If anything this shows how dangerous Iran could make the Persian gulf for American ships.

    Magura proves how vulnerable ships can be, especially against modern wolf packs.

    So I hypothesize that they will come up with some form of "after market" installable Close In Weapon System (aka.. a bolt on CIWS) to deal with these kind of threats.

  • Raad criticizes Lebanese 'going to the beach and nightclub as the South is under attack', causing a stir
  • Go figure, a lot of people don't care about your fundamentalist backwards brethren poking Israël with a stick and then hiding behind civilians so they can cry in the media when innocents die.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • Meanwhile US defense contractors are probably busy developing bolt on CIWS for their littoral combat ships.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • Because it is easier to deny your enemy terrain than it is to keep it.

    And Ukraine does have a navy. It is just made up out of very angry remote controlled low observable high speed boats that carry a ton of explosives and don't have to come home because they want to hug your ship and make it sad.

  • Russians used a FAB-500 bomb with a glide module for the first time in an attack on Kharkiv. This one landed in a home, but did not detonate.
  • They are old fashioned dum bombs equipped with a modern "backpack" glide kit. The glide kit has wings that swing out and avionics that steer the bomb to its target using gps with a range (up to 50km) depending on the launch altitude.

    A cheap way to get 500kg of explosives to something you want to blow up.

    Ukranians have aasm hammr and glsdb for this. Glsdb is arguably cooler as it has a rocket motor and can be deployed from the ground using (hi)mars. But gpa jamming by the Russians has proven their deployment difficult.

    Edit: moved the 50 km to show it's range not launch altitude.

  • Netflix mulls introducing free ad-supported tier. The circle is complete
  • Those ads that are now inserted during the program on us tv shows are annoying as fuck Banner at the bottom or side... Goddamnit.

  • Italy’s Meloni denounces ‘ideological madness’ of EU ban on gas and diesel cars
  • I'd love to see additional tax increases after a specific year. If you want to drive an Oldtimer or a gas powered supercar.. it should be expensive to operate.

    But indeed only once full electrification has reached normal families.

  • FCC hits Verizon with $1M fine for dropping 911 calls, again • The Register
  • No they won't, but now they where deemed at fault, let the civil litigation begin. As this is the American way.

  • FCC hits Verizon with $1M fine for dropping 911 calls, again • The Register
  • Verizon is probably the provider for the 911 dispatch center. So calls will be carried by the network and Verizon trips them at the door.

  • Italy’s Meloni denounces ‘ideological madness’ of EU ban on gas and diesel cars
  • Yes you are right.. maybe delay the whole ordeal by a decade or decade and a half. Then the electric second hand will be common.

  • Canadian military planning for evacuation of 20,000 from Lebanon, says top commander
  • Wanting? If the attacks from south Lebanon stop, there would be no need, right?

  • North Korean troops will become 'cannon fodder' if they aid Russia in Ukraine, Pentagon says
  • Plenty of unwanted people in NKorea that currently take up food and other resources in the internment camps. This is just the long way round for getting rid of them without using zyklonB or some other horrible method. While at the same time getting something in return from Russia. Very bleek outlook. Poor damned people, poor Ukranians that will no doubt also incur casualties because of this.

  • Italy’s Meloni denounces ‘ideological madness’ of EU ban on gas and diesel cars
  • That's maybe fine for small scale usage. And even then I don't know if this is actually good. In any case your USA case won't scale well. I also don't know if it is even legal in my country.

    I more meant large scale biofuel cultivation instead of food and nature. Cause then these companies will start eating up agro subsidies etc while keeping polluting cars on the road.

  • EU backs 650-billion-euro plan to help cities reach net zero by 2030
  • Yeah, it also allows to test different things as different cities have different challenges. And local solutions also make sense. Like heating homes using the waste heat from other locations, mini grids etc.

  • Ukraine’s Security Service drones plant over 15 underwater mines near Crimea and damage 4 Russian ships, WSJ reports Ukraine’s Security Service drones plant over 15 underwater mines near Crimea and damage 4 Russian ships, WSJ reports

    Sea Baby maritime drones of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) planted more than 15 underwater mines near the waters of the Russian-occupied Crimea, as a result of which at least four Russian ships were damaged.

    Ukraine’s Security Service drones plant over 15 underwater mines near Crimea and damage 4 Russian ships, WSJ reports

    If we can't come in, you can't come out either

    US signals that it has expanded policy to allow Ukraine to counterstrike into Russia US signals that it has expanded policy to allow Ukraine to counterstrike into Russia

    The US appears to have expanded its agreement with Ukraine to strike over the border inside Russian territory wherever Russian forces are engaging in cross-border attacks into Ukraine, not just in the Kharkiv region as was previously determined.

    US signals that it has expanded policy to allow Ukraine to counterstrike into Russia

    National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told PBS News on Monday that the agreement with Ukraine to fire into Russia extends wherever Russian forces are attempting to invade.

    Dick Schoof wil 'premier van alle Nederlanders' zijn Dick Schoof wil 'premier van alle Nederlanders' zijn

    Topambtenaar Dick Schoof is de kandidaat-premier van de nieuwe coalitie.

    Dick Schoof wil 'premier van alle Nederlanders' zijn

    Nou, voormalig NCTV en AIVD. Kan me voorstellen dat we een hoop veiligheid krijgen in ruil voor onze privacy.

    En gelukkig heeft hij als hoofd van de IND het ook een toekomstbestendige organisatie gemaakt.

    Ik ben benieuwd. En jullie?

    Badeendje RubberDuck

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