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Never mind the bollocks
  • Sopranos memes are always appreciated!

  • I'm not procrastinating by making memes about my lectures or anything.
  • The way we use antibiotics in meat production is very much in line with Mac's way of thinking.

  • [Tirade] Der ÖR und seine Themenwahl ⚽
  • Du schaust freiwillig Lanz? Das erscheint mir ein selbstgemachtes Problem zu sein.

  • PVKK - Official Announce Trailer | Games Baked in Germany Showcase
  • I'm intrigued. I just finished my second playthrough of Papers, Please and I'm ready for more tedious work!

  • I don't use crossbows in video games
  • It seems to be historically accurate at least: Wiki:

    "The crossbow superseded hand bows in many European armies during the 12th century, except in England, where the longbow was more popular"

    That said, I can understand your point. Aoe is not (and doesn't need to be) historically accurate. How is it integrated in AoE4?

  • I don't use crossbows in video games
  • My mind also raced to Age of Empires 2. I love crossbows and arbalester, especially the Britons. Just a big ball of units sending a clear message across the map: stay away!

  • I played Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector and talked to its creator about quests that 'don't give you the dragon money'
  • I got the first game a month ago and binged it in three sessions. It was a fantastic experience, and I rate the game highly. However, I wish the decisions you made had a more significant impact on the story. I understand that maintaining a great narrative can make this challenging, but I hope part 2 can expand on that aspect. From what I've heard, it sounds like it might offer more flexibility in choices. Regardless, I’ll probably enjoy it either way.

  • YouTube is testing server-side ad injection to counteract ad blockers
  • That move would finally rid me of my addiction to YouTube. So much time, so many possibilities...

  • Straßenverkehrsgesetz reformiert: Auto verliert Vorfahrt
  • Danke für die guten Nachrichten am Wochenende! Es geht voran, wenn auch langsam.

  • Straßenverkehrsgesetz reformiert: Auto verliert Vorfahrt
  • Ja, da musst ich auch sehr schmunzeln. Was in der Reform soll denn genau die Sicherheit gefährden? Die Reduktion des Tempos kann es nicht sein, schließlich gibt es einen klaren Zusammenhang zwischen Geschwindigkeit und Unfallhäufigkeit/-schwere. Es ist längst überfällig, die Sicherheit aller Verkehrsteilnehmenden und nicht das Tempo zu priorisieren.

  • Horner lets slip details about Perez’s new Red Bull F1 contract
  • So does that mean they can kick him out after the first year if he doesn't get his shit together?

  • Remove text on TPE phone case?
  • You could always cover it with a cool sticker.

  • Max telling the fans, that he is going for first.
  • Simply lovely, thank you!

  • Max telling the fans, that he is going for first.
  • What did the fans do to irritate him?

  • Heathcliff without Heathcliff 5/18/2024
  • I like a lot of comics but Heathcliff is definitely not one of them.

  • It is very therapeutic to garden, though.
  • No worries :)

  • It is very therapeutic to garden, though.
  • That wasn't me, but I found out about it relatively recently and I'm happy to share it.

  • It is very therapeutic to garden, though.
  • Cows and other farm animals need a lot of food:

    More than three-quarters of global agricultural land is used for livestock, despite meat and dairy making up a much smaller share of the world's protein and calories. [...] However, only half of the world’s croplands are used to grow crops that are consumed by humans directly. We use a lot of land to grow crops for biofuels and other industrial products, and an even bigger share is used to feed livestock.

    Source (OWID)

  • TSMC says first 1.6nm chips coming in 2026
  • Hahaha, I love that!

  • Agriculture sector's share of GDP in European countries
  • Sure, I merely gave an example. We agree on the point that a reduction in meat consumption would make sense from an economic standpoint. It surprises me that it is not more important to the EU or the governments to stimulate this change.

  • Bademantel Bademantel
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