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  • That seems way worse than cutting the ring

  • And it went Gold

  • Closest subway line from you, France
  • I live in lyon, here you can go anywhere in the metropolis in bus, tramway and subway or even public bikes. And for france in general I went to see my friend in Rouen and all it took was one train. Once there I could use the public transport again to go anywhere in the city

  • I still don't get buffers
  • We be rocking that kill ring !

  • You shouldn't ignore it
  • This is what got me started on linux lol

  • Comedy has peaked ladies and gentlemen
  • No cheese eating is sexy

  • Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining
  • Anticheats can work on linux given the developers have enabled it. For example brawlhalla has EAC but you can still play it

  • DuckDuckGo AI Chat
  • Kagi isn't open source either

  • Endless torment
  • Meditation does that ?

  • New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now
  • Because once you sign this TOS nothing's stopping them from doing the most obnoxious and illegal business practices to you and you'll be fucked. Like getting you into a lifetime contract of nitro or whatever, you really can't trust a for profit company with this stuff

  • Indeed
  • One's pc crashed during a system upgrade and the other just wouldn't boot after the system upgrade. I told him to mount his partition using the liveusb and backup his stuff and he was clueless

  • Indeed
  • All my friends with endeavour are clueless when their system eventually breaks because they haven't done the manual install and so they haven't read the wiki and they have no idea how to actually repair their system

  • This website that threatens anyone who right clicks
  • Or you can simply shift + right click

  • Autogenerated descriptions gone wrong
  • Thanks for the advice. I was already pretty sure that learning DSA would take my programing to the next level, my previous algorithms have been thoughtful but could definitely be improved.

    I've done some haskell for school, I must say the quick sort was quite impressive and the language itself was interesting. Lisp on the other hand seems really crazy ; I've done some for my emacs config but the things I'm reading from the sources are from another world, I'll read the elisp introduction some day and maybe I'll become one of those magicians lol

    I don't really use AI but I could ask for some advice on my next school project I guess. Do you ask it for straight up code or a more global archetecture ?

  • Autogenerated descriptions gone wrong
  • What's DSA ?

  • Shiiieeettt.......
  • Lol

  • Baleine Baleine
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