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(from a "progressive" blog) Bowman lost because he's a fucking idiot, not because of AIPAC
  • Bowman left the DSA and talked a little shit about it a while back lol. This was roughly around when DSA was infighting about Palestine, with its large liberal contingent clutching pearls over the DSA BDS group. Many folks wanted to kick out Bowman, including that group, because of his vote to fund the Iron Dome.

    It's a pretty great encapsulation of overall DSA electoralism that their guy isn't even in their side, isn't even transactional with them, he literally just thinks they are a group that will give him last-minute free help even though he craps on them. He's also probably correct about that but also in proper DSA fashion didn't plan anything early enough and therefore flailed and fucked up wasting a bunch of resources and losing.

  • I don't know if it's a server problem but all my mastodon feed is this over and over again
  • Democracy is when you must always vote for Good Party regardless of how bad they actually are, lest the only other viable party, Bad Party, win instead.

    Thank you for your participation, citizen. Please don't ask any questions.

  • Why aren't all the people Biden has killed and hurt real to them? What the hell is happening in their minds?
  • Liberals are part of a political cult with the DNC and New York Crimes at the head. They have absorbed the dictates of their cult leaders such that they reflexively reject all criticism and compare it to wanting the worst thing conceivable (to them) to happen, i.e. Trump winning again.

    They don't have to think about the things you mention because their media bubble does not tell them to nor does it emphasize these things as bad or harmful. Their bubble says murdered Palestinians were killed in the passive voice and Israelis are killed by "terrorists". Their bubble barely talked about Yemen at all during the Obama years and their responses to hearing about it are usually bewilderment and frustration that they don't have a snappy comeback ready for "Obama killed a bunch of kids by starving an entire country". The Crime Bill doesn't mean anything to most liberals, they don't even know that it is or what it did. It's an amorphous blob that other people say is bad and rather than learn anything about it they just change the subject.

    Liberals can be rescued from their cult but they have to get over the main hurdle they constructed at the behest of their masters: incredible arrogance and incuriositu. It can be challenging to knock them off their little pedestal constructed of Washington Post Op-Eds saying the Democratic primaries should be less democratic and all poor people deserve what they get. They have to be slapped with something and clearly a blatant genocide isn't enough - they still turned to their masters and lapped up the false narratives. Their boy being senile is having a greater impact because while it runs against their years-long excuses given against the left pointing out the obvious, it reconfirms their practice of, "politics is a team sport horse race" that makes them feel oh so very smart. They don't have to make a very big adjustment like caring about dead brown people.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • The people who get away with appearing to have comprehensive knowledge of every subject also just have barely enough to drop the right names and repeat the liberal "intellectual" status quo. It filters for exactly the worst kind of liberal.

  • Why would you talk down like this to people you want to vote for you, this is just jacking yourself off! (rant below)
  • America doesn't have a fascist movement per se because their politics have been mainstreamed for decades, baby! And they have no left to crush. It's pure fascistic liberalism all the way down and your federal political choices are either that or a more confused and braying form of that struggling to find a reactionary populist oppositional angle and failing (the reactionary angle is already in power you can't meaningfully struggle against it). Which flavor of false consciousness would you like to spend months agonizing over, fellow liberal?

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