BeMoreCareful @ BeMoreCareful Posts 1Comments 157Joined 2 yr. ago
100% I hope McCarthy punches him though.
It looks like it requires a subscription. That'd be enough for a no from me.
Not for spooky poopy!
No, yeah I was just being snarky too. I guess builders(probably gamere) are the only real retail windows buyers lol
I mean if you already bought the computer, they're really just giving it back to you and I'm pretty sure you can just download it.
China has the infrastructure to produce, the population to produce it, and the government to build more. I don't think there's really anybody that can compete with that.
The article was worth reading
Yeah, it's a once in a lifetime thing lol, but it's better to put that out on the off chance someone reading it may have to send one in.
I hate to say it, but unless they're corporate machines or you put it together yourself, computers are basically disposable these days.
Never send them the drive.
They are probably required to boot to the desktop for qa
Oh, he got cut off.
In that case shooting up some cars and ramming another seems pretty ok. I mean, what else are you going to do?
I think it's homeopathic or something like that.
I think it's a combo, but I'm not 100%
They gonna write someone in?
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It may just not be that big of a deal. I wouldn't worry too much.
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I didn't get that from any of the comments.
I need more chemical fumes training!
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You seem to think a lot of the video.
Is that who those two were?
When I was like 9 years old I had steak and a chocolate milk at a fancy restaurant (fancy to nine year old me).
I threw up and have never sought that particular combination out again.
It's been literally decades and I just got that weird extra saliva kick in the back of my throat that says I won't be trying it again tonight.