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Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • Russia's built ~16 of these Karakurt-class ships since 2018 lol.

    It's taken Russia over 10 years to just build a little over 10 stealth fighters. (And Ukraine has destroyed one)

    Meanwhile the Netherlands alone has 24, and the U.S. has over 600.

    Russia's high tech side of their military industrial complex is incredibly weak compared to the old USSR days, and even their low tech side is struggling.

  • Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies before election
  • You think Bernie Sanders doesn't want all of that, too? You should read his latest book.

    He was just being pragmatic when he mostly only talked about the most easily achievable and popular of his possible reforms.

  • Coup attempt in Bolivia reportedly under way as army and police storm palace
  • Haiti already warned of America wanting to use Kenya's military to invade Haiti before they did it.

    What? The government of Haiti literally requested support from Kenya, which was approved by the UN. What you're saying is almost the complete opposite of what actually happened.

    At least 1 month ago I recall seeing articles about it.

    Maybe stop reading articles that are for some reason supportive of the drug and sex trafficking gangs that have caused the most recent collapse of Haiti?

  • Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies before election
  • Bernie fucking Sanders was a centrist according to the rest of the world.

    Just utterly and completely wrong, Bernie would be firmly within the populist/socialist left of Europe, and probably the rest of the world too.

  • Dangerous Precedent': Record AIPAC Spending Helps George Latimer Defeat Jamaal Bowman
  • Oh I completely agree, just wanted to point out that AIPAC is homegrown interventionism, not foreign like people tend to think.

  • Federal judge rules that LGBTQ+ veterans can sue Pentagon over 'don’t ask, don’t tell' discharges
  • Isn't that list almost everything though? I can't think of one reform or law we could pass that wouldn't feel like it came too late.

    Doesn't mean they're not worth fighting for, or that we shouldn't celebrate them when they pass.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Completely agree with everything you said.

    The same has also started to be done with Bernie's "successor's" like AOC and Jamaal Bowman, I'm not sure how exactly they can stop that other than regularly virtue signaling how radical they are and potentially alienating any moderates.

    The oddest part to me is the people who downplay Bernie's radicallness. I've only ever heard it done by left wingers who think he's not actually left wing enough, thereby distancing themselves from their best option, and by right wingers looking for an easy gotcha against lefties by going "He just wants Denmark that's not socialism". Literally the only people downplaying Bernie's radicalism are the ones who would seemingly have a vested interest to do the opposite.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • I've always felt that's just pragmatism from Bernie,

    If you read his book "It's Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism" it becomes very very obvious that this is the case. From quoting very radical anti-capitalists to tongue and cheek (somewhat) insider jokes such as naming the chapter on his time in mayoral politics "Socialism in one City", it shows he's definitely way more ideologically aligned with socialism than people give him credit for.

  • i shall simply remain illiterate
  • Which government are you talking about? Most land owned by the government in the U.S. is either worthless desert, contracted out to the private sector, or the small bit leftover that's actually used by the federal government.

  • Biden campaign picks right-side podium for CNN debate, Trump will have the last word - ABC News
  • I lived in a very rural area back then, I know a friend whose family was all watching that debate together in their living room, all hard-core Trump supporters of course. That debate literally made them so sad they turned off the TV mid debate, it broke my friend free from being a MAGA diehard.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Biden campaign saw something like that reflected in polling, even marginally, and is trying to recreate it.

  • Prosecutors say Alec Baldwin was ‘engaged in horseplay’ with gun before fatal shooting
  • Yeah the recoil is much weaker on those and there's no muzzle flash, and certain cinematic shots just can't be done with them like they could with an actual gun.

  • Too powerful for their Euro arteries
  • Yes, and it has to be competitive to show their true capitalist spirit.

  • Too powerful for their Euro arteries
  • This should be our citizenship test.

  • Juneteenth Flag
  • Idk I think this is probably the best example of good text on flag that I've ever seen.

    Definitely could make it better with a band of color behind the text or a different font though.

  • Removed
    We Remember Noam Chomsky, the Intellectual and Moral Giant
  • He's not actually dead.

  • Israeli Protesters Mass in Jerusalem to Call for Elections
  • The election is almost guaranteed to happen though, all they're protesting over is the timing.

    Netanyahu is claiming he wants to wait till the war is over. The protestors are saying that he's just using that to keep himself out of jail.

    The longest Netanyahu can draw this struggle out is October 2026. Another election is guaranteed, Netanyahu isn't going to suddenly make himself dictator with his tiny popularity.

  • Israeli Protesters Mass in Jerusalem to Call for Elections
  • I mean it is though, (unless you count Iraq and Turkey), that's why this protest against the war and for an election is even allowed to happen.

  • A Christian writer attacked Dolly Parton for being pro-LGBTQ+. It didn't end well for the writer.
  • Oh definitely, I'm not blaming Dolly, just saying that as one of the largest draws in the area, (along with the National Park) that she basically is the local economy, which does have its negatives along with its positives.

    The area became a tourist destination long before her too. The tourism industry really started after F.D.R. came to town and established the national park.

  • Bernie_Sandals Bernie_Sandals
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