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This technology could transform one of the world’s dirtiest industries [steelmaking]. Experts say it’s way off pace
  • I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this article is not about AI!

  • U.S. surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis
  • It feels right to me. People are being injured, maimed, permanently disabled, and killed. All by a particular piece of readily available technology. When we can point to the single thing that causes all those individual health emergencies, and it’s consistently happening across the country on a daily basis to many many people, in public spaces that are otherwise quite safe, that’s most definitely a public health crisis.

  • Supreme Court Will Rule On Gender-Affirming Care For Minors
  • Very good points, thanks for the correction. My blind rage got in the way…

  • Supreme Court Will Rule On Gender-Affirming Care For Minors
  • Frankly I don’t even trust the ‘liberal’ justices to get this right. There is absolutely no reason for nine lawyers with no medical background to make a ruling that will impact the availability of life-saving medical treatments for one of our most vulnerable populations.

    I’ve got an idea, let women do whatever the fuck they want with their bodies, and stop being so creepy about the genders of our children. This shit is nobody’s business.

  • Options for non-smart TV in UK 2024?
  • I know you said to avoid the “just don’t connect it” advice, but I frankly think that’s your best bet without shelling out absurd amounts of money. I hate the concept of smart TVs, so like you I tried to find a reasonably priced dumb TV. Had zero luck. Instead, I bought a 55” Hisense TV (U8K) about 6 months ago, and have never once connected it to the internet. I think it’s technically a Google TV, but I wouldn’t know, since I just connect my devices to it, no internet necessary. It’s a gorgeous display with amazing picture quality. All the features are enabled, nothing was stuck behind an internet-wall. I don’t regret it.

  • Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • Well that’s some backwards bullshit.

  • Amy Coney Barrett may be poised to split conservatives on the Supreme Court...
  • Everything you said is true, but I still think her shift is being overblown. The opinion in which she criticized Thomas’s historical approach was a concurring opinion, she agreed with the result, but not the methodology. The result is what the vast majority of Americans will see, not that she happened to take a different road to get to the same place.

    And in the same concurring opinion, she had the audacity to hold up stare decisis, despite her hair-trigger willingness to overturn precedent in critical cases like Dobbs.

    I follow the court, and read the article. I guess I’m just way more cynical than you. I appreciate your moderating tone though, I hope I’m wrong about her.

  • Amy Coney Barrett may be poised to split conservatives on the Supreme Court...
  • It’s these kinds of whitewashing bullshit articles that are why the court isn’t even more unpopular. There’s a concerted effort to make the court appear reasonable. It’s not. Barrett might ask a question here or there during oral argument that sounds reasonable or moderate, but she still almost always votes with the extreme right wing majority. She is not an impartial jurist, she’s a hateful Christian extremist with a normal-sounding voice. Don’t fall for it.

  • Celebrating an LGBT-friendly synagogue, New York, USA, 1973
  • lol I see what you did there.

    For those curious, simchat means something like “rejoice” in Hebrew. It’s pronounced sim-khaat. Probably its most common usage to Jews around the world is as part of the name of the holiday Simchat Torah, when it’s customary to get absolutely shitfaced drunk and dance around with torahs. It marks the end of the reading of the torah, and the beginning of the reading of the torah. A very fun holiday.

  • United States: Expanded Child Tax Credit improved Parents' Mental Health
  • Keep in mind, this enhanced program lasted only six months (if I’m doing my math correctly) and resulted in these mental health improvements, on top of all the other benefits of not having a country full of starving children. All it took was six months. Imagine what a properly compassionate social safety net would do for everyone?

    The republicans who prevented the program from being extended have once again shown a crass lack of compassion and empathy. They should be ashamed of themselves, though of course they won’t be.

    Think of the children! Oh wait, this was their opportunity and they chose to be unsympathetic assholes.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This makes me sick. Or rather, them sick. Or, whatever, this was a totally fucked up and inexcusable thing to do.

  • Martha-Ann Alito Fantasizes About Flag Designs to Piss Off Her Neighbors
  • The Onion was recently bought, and the new CEO is a well-regarded former disinformation reporter. Literally a journalist who reported on fake news, is now running the world’s preeminent fake newspaper. Only the Onion could make that work. There have been some great interviews with the new CEO, he seems to really give a shit about the company.

    To run Global Tetrahedron as CEO, Lawson hired Ben Collins, formerly senior reporter at NBC News covering “disinformation, extremism and the internet.”

    “My friends and I now own and run The Onion. I’ll be the CEO,” Collins posted on X. “We’re keeping the entire staff, bringing back The Onion News Network, and sharing the wealth with staff. Basically, we’re going to let them do whatever they want. Get excited.”

  • Kevin Spacey Admits He Was ‘Too Handsy’ in Piers Morgan Sob Story
  • Yeah I almost watched Baby Driver the other day, but then I saw him on the poster and got that revolting feeling in my stomach. Decided that if I have a choice, there’s just no reason to watch him. I like Ansel Elgort though, so I’ll just watch Tokyo Vice.

  • Are you there, God? It's me, Justice Alito. Inside the movement to make the Supreme Court explicitly Christian.
  • Wow, these extremists are getting really good at talking out of both sides of their mouths.

    Catholics and evangelicals appear to be increasingly “putting aside theological differences in order to bond together so that they can push back against the creeping, secular humanism that is happening in America.”

    And yet, in one of the recent Rolling Stone pieces about Alito, he was caught on tape essentially saying seculars and religious nuts can’t live in peace, one side has to win out.

    Justice Samuel Alito spoke candidly about the ideological battle between the left and the right — discussing the difficulty of living “peacefully” with ideological opponents in the face of “fundamental” differences that “can’t be compromised.” He endorsed what his interlocutor described as a necessary fight to “return our country to a place of godliness.”

    So it’s okay for different sects of Christians who disagree on a lot to band together to fight against secularism, but god forbid the same grace is extended to seculars to live in peace with Christian nuts (puns intended).

    As a Jewish atheist, I’m flabbergasted. I’m clearly not welcome here according to any of these assholes.

  • This word was rejected by geologists. But it’s already taken over the world. A panel of scientists rejected the term “Anthropocene” — but others keep using it.
  • I get why geologists might be hesitant to add a whole new epoch named after us, they deal in absurdly long timescales. That said, I’ve read a number of climate and environment papers going back at least 5 to 10 years where Anthropocene is used without a second thought.

    We did this, so it’s only fitting that we at least take the inconsequential step of calling a spade a spade.

  • Is Craigslist Dying?
  • Yeah there are a ton of these on Craigs List lately too. It’ll be a whole listing that appears to be a standalone separate unit, but it turns out to be shared. Sometimes there will be hints like “private entrance” or something, but it’s still pretty deceptive.

  • Is Craigslist Dying?
  • Good question, I wish I knew. The closest I’ve found is sometimes Zillow, but it’s pretty different, not really comparable.

    I’m not on Facebook, but from what I hear they’ve got the monopoly on this kind of thing now.

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