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I feel like the Steam Deck is the best proof of Gabe Newell's quote that "piracy is a service issue."
  • As someone who dropped put of business school to fix cars for a living, I feel this.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • In response to this comment, I went to find the previous post, then came back here to say, noice.

  • Hurt like me.
  • I am angry at myself for actively seeking this one out based on your comment in another meme. Why do I do this to myself.

  • If linux distributions were tools.
  • I did. As someone who is also new to Linux and to programming, I've run into similar hurdles and it is frustrating. Now I'm not trying to build a gaming system, but just something to learn on. I'm still learning to read through and interpret documentation and it often get way too over my head that I need to ask the community for help; and honestly, I don't like to because of reactions like yours.

    It's really disheartening to come to the community, try to ask for help and to be told that I should just do it right, or to catch flak for not asking the rifht question, or to have someone share a chunk of code and say, "just use this," which doesn't help me learn.

    To be clear, my previous comment was a pre-coffee and just irked me in the wrong way; I do owe you an apology for that so, sorry.

  • If linux distributions were tools.
  • And you, rather than helping someone who admitted that they were new to the community and trying to learn, decided to just be a dick.

  • pssssss
  • If my customer sent me this much detail, I would be a happy tech.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Witchcraft!

  • The real double-slit quantum eraser they don't want you to know about!
  • As someone who enjoys quantum mechanics, but papers are too far over my head; and has struggled with a nagging sense that something about all the explanations just wasn't making sense, thank you for this beautifully clear explanation of how these conclusions were reached.

  • Deleted
    Is this the right community? I have a helpdesk interview next week and I dont know if my attire looks good or ridiculously goofy.
  • So much this. As someone who runs a technical call center, I don't know is an acceptable answer but follow it with a plan to find out!

  • What is a well known 'public secret' in the industry you work in that the majority of outsiders are unaware of?
  • Another common one that I hear is, "Why do all cars look the same?" The truth of it comes down to two general factors, safety and improving aerodynamics to improve fuel economy.

  • No one is immune from this

    Probably a lot like the person responsible for dropping the NOAA-19 satellite.

  • Trans men enter Miss Italy contest to protest anti-trans ‘women from birth’ rule
  • It's important to find work that also nourishes your soul.

  • Locked
    Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • Under capitalism, value is extracted and concentrated. That in turn means that your employer is motivated to get as much value out of you as they can. Companies are motivated to charge you as much as they can convince you to pay.

    Think about a friend who might ask to buy something of yours; let's say it's a sofa. If we apply that same logic of capitalism, you should try to get as much money as possible. I don't know about you, but I don't like the way that it feels.

  • Hey everyone! A question from a newbie

    Let's say I stumble across something I want to post here, what are the important angles I should make sure I capture?

    Developing community resources: reference materials

    Hi everyone! In an effort to help grow the community, and as someone new to mycology, I would like to gather recommendations for reference materials. My goal in this project is to develop this into a list for the community to share these resources. Books, websites, apps, anything is fair game for this list.

    Please let me express my thanks in advance.

    Edit: updating with recommendations.

    Edit the second: going to build the list off of mobile and then share. Question? Do we include mycology-adjacent resources?

    I'm thinking of the Crime pays but Botany Doesn't YouTube channel who occasionally covers mycology, as an example?

    BewilderedBeast BewilderedBeast

    Generally confused, occasionally awesome.

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    Comments 14