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Laptop Recommendation for Light Gaming
  • Does your current laptop have a dedicated graphics card?

    Can you try a USB to HDMI adapter? I don't recall how they work with a dedicated card. Haven't used one since Intel i7 gen 2 days, so my reference points are no longer relevant.

  • Orcas are still smashing up boats – and we've finally worked out why
  • That means asking the "teenagers" to keep doing it will make them stop.

    So we have to tell them that "we would be displeased and upset if the boats keep getting attacked." And maybe throw a little adult hissy fit during an attack. And then the "teenagers" will keep doing it to antagonize the human adults.

  • Would it be a good thing for the average person to self-host their apps? If so, how to get there?
  • I am not talking about jank yolo prayer work. I'm talking about people learning how to do something properly. Duct tape a car is not the repair I'm talking about.

    You are complaining about there not being enough skilled workers today. I'm talking about people learning the skills over time.

    Look at how many types of food and products are starting to promote cleaner ingredients and more sustainable materials as people are starting to learn more about their health and the environment. People can learn and thing can get better.

  • Would it be a good thing for the average person to self-host their apps? If so, how to get there?
  • I'm not saying that today everyone should push a button and start self hosting. I'm saying it would be great if more people learn to self host and that there are benefits to people learning more.

    People don't just absorb knowledge. It will require education programs.

  • Would it be a good thing for the average person to self-host their apps? If so, how to get there?
  • Education of people is always(?) better, I'd say.

    It's good to exercise the mind, just like exercising the body.

    What if 25% of car drivers could handle their own car maintenance? The one downside people will scream at first is that fewer mechanics will be needed.

    But that is too short sided.

    More home mechanics will need to buy more tools, so that's more store jobs and more manufacturing jobs and more shipping/trucking jobs.

    And more people who understand mechanics mean a better workforce who can invent new/better products or processes. And can do more research into manufacturing science, which would improve society.

    This would also lead to safer cars because they are better roadworthy, and car manufacturers would have a harder time using low quality parts.

    So all of those changes would apply to technology when more people know how to use technology.

  • What do I need to trouble shoot second hand desktop computer? And how?
  • Is the light on the motherboard or inside the metal box for the power supply?

    More of the old, old ones would not do anything if any component was not properly seated. So maybe unplug and replug everything?

    And if that doesn't work, I would start systematically removing components to see if I could get a different response from the computer.

  • Removed
    Why do women of all ages only have the option to buy and wear skimpy bathing suits?
  • What if someone doesn't want to show off their entire hip, the shape of their ass, their crotch, their stomach, their boobs, their under arms, or their bare back, or their bare arms?

    When men wear a shirt, they can easily go into any informal setting.

    A woman would have to completely wear a completely different top and different bottoms to be able to go most places.

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    Why do women of all ages only have the option to buy and wear skimpy bathing suits?
  • Yes. I'm a very fat man. I wear a shirt. I have the option to flick it once or twice and suddenly the world isn't looking at every fold of my man boobs.

    If I were wearing the spandex material of a woman's bathing suit on as my top, everyone would see my man boobs all the time, dry or wet.

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    Do Christians really think that being educated is sinful and should be avoided?
  • Gladly. Are you going to have a kid, and then put the most amazing gift for them on the counter in plain view, but tell them for their entire existence they cannot touch it?

    Also, I know no details about the fruit of knowledge that a talking snake tricked them into taking. So if you want to reach me some details, I will reevaluate my stance in light of new knowledge.

  • Removed
    Why do women of all ages only have the option to buy and wear skimpy bathing suits?
  • Oh, I didn't know you were blocked from the internet and cannot post your own evidence. I'm so sad for your sheltered world. I hope you get internet access some day.

    PS For the other people who can think, I did leave purposely leave enough space below to show there are not other options that were cropped out.

  • Removed
    Why do women of all ages only have the option to buy and wear skimpy bathing suits?
  • Yes, I'm commenting on the standard, not attacking you.

    I don't hear about boys having problems with average to baggy shorts. To find anything smaller than average shorts, you have to actively look for it, and run into places that plain don't carry that.

  • Home Improvement BigMikeInAustin
    Do ceiling fan motors from the same manufacturer and same time change based on the blade length?

    Currently installed is a recent (about 10 years) Harbor Bay 5 blade ceiling fan with 44" blade diameter.

    In a box I have a recent (about 10 years) Harbor Bay 5 blade ceiling fan with 52" blade diameter.

    Yes, the large blades will run the motor harder.

    Would these two fans likely use the same motor, so that I can just swap the larger blades and leave the current motor? Or is there a high chance the motors are sized specific to their blades, and I would need to fully swap the motor to use the larger blades?

    The blades appear to use the same connection.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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