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  • Pretty much the only thing that's missing for me is a way to customize card and background colors - dark mode gray's too light, AMOLED is too dark for me ^^

  • More options for card and background colors

    It'd be really neat if you could choose the card and background colors yourself, instead of there only being some presets

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I really like Infinity for Lemmy! But Voyager's impressive too

  • More customizability for card and background colors?

    It'd be nice if there were additional options for the card and background colors. With Amoled black, everything's black, but it'd be neat if there was an option for something like a black background and dark gray cards. Or even better, just an option to freely choose colors for both!

    Request: Setting for limiting card width


    On my tablet, cards are too wide to be useful, especially if the post contains an image. An option to change the max card width (maybe a slider with a percentage setting?) would be useful.

    Bingo Bingo
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